three things Thursday

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1)Look at the god damm sky. Everyday the moment you get out of your house, look at it. That's the most beautiful thing. Morning breeze wakening you up from your nightmare I suppose. Sometimes the sky is Clear (blue) sometimes it's clouded. Sometimes it somehow manages to look like the ones you used to draw when you were a little kid. The blue sky in between clouds coloured white, sounds silly but our imagination wasn't that wide. We drew what we saw. That makes me realizes(as a kid, one used to observe a lot), questioned a lot. Now you are so tied up with your life that there's no time to observe.

The sky teaches a lot of things, such as it's never the same. There's never a day when the sky looks the same. Its pretty convincing life isn't gonna stay the same, it changes and sky just gives you that ray of hope to last this one day.

You don't know how the sky will look tomorrow nor do you know how your life is gonna turn out. Sky shows you to live each day just as it is. Motivates you to do your best.

2)"Talk to yourself", your not a psycho.
When I say talk to yourself, I mean talk through yourself. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself. I do that, when I'm on my way to college I prefer to walk alone, that itself is quite peaceful.
Earphones plunged in, sometimes there's nothing playing, Just to avoid social interaction. Thinking to myself, about various possibilities, just thinking. It works best if your not thinking about your regrets, don't do that.
Talk to yourself about random things, about how many steps does it take for you to walk from home to your destination, that's enough for you to make peace with your inner self.

3)Ask a random kid if he has a chocolate, his response might be priceless. The kid might look straight with no expression thinking 'why is a grown up asking for chocolate from a kid. Or may even give you one if he has a chocolate worst case might runway screaming.
Do something that surprises you. Little things that you least expected of doing.
Baby steps to know yourself better, your test your capabilities.

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