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I went down to get some croissants and macaroons from the bakery while Marin was preparing a movie so that we could watch. That's when I heard my brother scream from my room. Just when I thought everything was going just fine, the cat HAD to drag in. I ran upstairs. I was confused by the sight I was seeing. Chat was pointing his baton like a sword at Marin's face. "Who are you and what are you doing in MY princess's room? Are you an akuma who has come to bring my fair princess away from me?" Chat asks a frightened Marin. When I was about to calm the two boys down, Chat ran to me and hugged my waist. He was still pointing his baton at Marin. "Do you know him, princess? Is he a threat? Did he come here to harm you? No worries, your knight in shining leather will protect you," he says with a strong accent that I have come to love. "No, Chat. Marin is not a threat," I say while removing his hand from my waist. He lowers his baton. "Is he your boyfriend?" Chat asks somewhat worried. I wonder why? Who knows? I decided to pull a prank on him for disturbing my movie night with Marin in 4 years. "Why yes Chat, Marin here IS my BOYFRIEND. Are you jealous?" I ask teasingly. His cat ears dropped and his smile turned into a frown. I felt bad and instantly I confessed. "I was just joking, kitty. Marin here is my brother. He just arrived here today from studying in London. We were actually going to watch a movie when an alley cat had to drag in," I said smiling while scratching his chin.

"Umm, princess, who is this? And why does HE call you princess too?" Marin asks while sitting on my bed. "Oh, I forgot. Marin, this is Chat Noir. ONE OF THE BEST SUPERHERO PARIS HAS EVER HAD AND LADYBUG'S PARTNER" I said with pride. "And Chat, this is MY LOVING BROTHER WHO LEFT ME FOR 7 YEARS IN PARIS, MARIN DUPAIN-CHENG," I said to a chuckling kitty. "I said I'm sorry. And you didn't answer my second question," he asks curiously. "Well, one day I was just finding for a damsel in distress when I saw this purrincess who needed meow urgent help. Since then, we became close friends, and I visit her often. Litter-ally. And purrincess is MY purrfect nickname for her," Chat explains proudly. I groan while face-palming myself at his pun while Marin was laughing with tears. "THAT WAS HILARIOUS!!!" Marin says clutching his stomach. "I love your brother. He has an excellent sense of humor," Chat exclaims. "What are you guys going to watch. Can I join?" Chat asks with the puppy dog eyes as he sees my laptop on my bed. He knows I can't say NO to those eyes. "NOOOOO, NOT THE PUPPY DOG EYES. FINE. You can join," That's when I got an idea. I know both Marin and Chat hate horror movies. "Wait, you still can't say NO to puppy dog eyes? SWEET! I can use that trick." Marin cries happily "I forgot to say. I and Marin used to be pranksters when we were little but I don't really like pranking everyone while sir here loves pranking. So whenever I refuse to do a prank, he makes the puppy dog eyes to make me agree. I thought he forgot about it when you just had to remind him," I said to Chat who was smiling sheepishly. I drew a thin line across my neck showing him that he is going to die soon by me. But I was going to have fun torturing them first. "Snuggle up boys. I know the purrfect movie we can watch. UGH, CHAT YOUR PUNS ARE GETTING TO ME!" I said to the grinning boys while I started the movie 'ANNABELLE: CREATION'. As soon as the boys saw the screen and the title of the movie, they screamed. "NO. Not horror. You know I absolutely despise horror movie" Marin pleads as I smirked with triumph. "Another horror movie! I can't do it. I forced myself to watch 'THE NUN' just this evening with my friend. I can't handle another horror movie. I'm not a man, I'm a weak human boy who can't stand horror movies who also happens to be a cat who loves flirting. I'm out," Chat says while he was going to leave the bed. What the two boys don't know is that I'm not going to leave them until the movie ends. "If you leave, you are not going to get any more macaroons and you cannot visit me anymore. Don't worry, you are not the only scared one here. Marin HATES horror movies too. You two can cuddle like girls while I watch the movie like a man. And if Marin plans to leave before the movie ends, I will tell Mama and Papa that you have a girlfriend. I know I'm wicked and cruel but what can I say, I was born wicked," I said smiling at the two boys who were snuggled up in the blanket together. "By the way Mari, if you tell Mama and Papa about my girlfriend, I'll tell them about your crushes," Marin blackmails while wiggling his eyebrows. "Ha, that's where your plan backfired my blueberry. Mama and Papa both know that my crush is Adrien and that Luka likes me and that I also like another boy who I'm not going to tell who it is," I said as though I won the Olympics. That's when I realized Chat was blushing. What's wrong with him? Who cares?

"Mari, before we watch the movie, you must tell us about your boy problems. Who else will understand about boys better than boys?" both boys ask me. I know their planning to waste their time so that they don't have to watch the movie but they do have a point. Who can understand boys better than boys? "Ok. Storytime!" I told Chat and Marin about Adrien, Luka, and my secret crush. Chat was listening intently to my story. I think I can feel jealousy radiating from Chat. After some time of 'BOYS' PROBLEM SESSION' with my brother and my partner/friend, I felt the heat rising up my cheeks whenever Marin teases me. Just when I was about to ask them to start watching the movie, Chat's ring beeped which means he has to leave. "I had a great time talking with you and my brother today. Goodnight, kitty," I said while giving him a kiss on his cheeks while blushing. "Same here, purrincess. Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite," he said blushing as he gave me and Marin his famous two-fingered salute as he hopped away into the darkness back home. I sighed and when I turned around to ask Marin to watch the movie with me, I saw him sleeping on my couch. I turned off the movie and went to sleep while thinking about the 3 boys in my life. ADRIEN, LUKA AND CHAT NOIR!!!

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