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Even if it's a Saturday, I still have to wake up at 6 in the morning for a photo shoot. PHOTOSHOOT! Why does my father make me wake up this early for a photoshoot? Why can't he be like most other dads who let their kids sleep till 10 in the morning? I just wish he wasn't so cold-hearted towards me. "Adrien, are you awake?" I heard Natalie ask me from the other side of my door. "Yes, Natalie. I'm awake. I just got out of the shower. I'll be down in 10 minutes," I said sleepily. I heard Natalie walk away. "Kid, you have to run away from this mansion and this life. It's too boring except for the cheese. I'll help you run away from here if you want. We will call this mission 'SAVE THIS POOR AGRESTE KID FROM THIS FAMILY'," Plagg says dramatically. I chuckled and said, "I love my dad, Plagg. I can't run away from him even if he has a tight schedule for me." I took Plagg and put him in my backpack. I went down for breakfast and my chauffeur drove me to the park for my photoshoot.

After hours of the photoshoot, I took a rest. It was 11 am. I was sitting under a tree when I saw Alya sitting on a bench. I was about to go and talk to her when I saw Marinette and Marin walking towards her. When I was about to go and join them, I was called for the photoshoot again.

After 2 hours of the photoshoot, I was finally free to go. I quickly ran to the bench where I saw them. I saw Marinette blushing while Marin and Alya were laughing their butts off. Marinette saw me and waved at me. I walked towards them casually when I heard Alya shouted at me. "YO, AGRESTE, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE HERE," she said while nudging Marinette. I guess it was because of her crush towards me. "I was here for my photoshoot. Who is that?" I pretended to ask. "This is my brother who left me here in Paris all alone for 7 years. His name is Marin Dupain-Cheng," Marinette says while looking at her brother in a teasing manner. "I said I'm sorry!" Marin whined. Something bothered me. She wasn't stuttering. I always like it when she stutters. Alya said when a girl stutters that means she has a crush towards that particular person but now she wasn't stuttering. Does that mean she likes Luka or the mystery guy now? NO! I WILL STILL TRY TO WIN HER HEART NO MATTER WHAT! I was awoken from my mental fight when Marin gave out his hand to shake mine. "Names Adrien Agreste. Nice to meet you," I said giving him my model smile. "So you are the famous model Adrien. I have a lot of model friends back in London too. For example, David Gandy, Sean O'Pry, Johannes Huebl, Lucky Blue Smith, Jon Kartajarena, Isaac Carew, Brad Kroenig, Pietro Boselli, Cameron Dallas, Roger Frampton and many more. You remind me of them. If you need any professional help, I can ask them to help you with that. I heard a lot about you from my princess here," he says smiling. I internally flinch at that nickname. It's MY nickname for Mari. But I wonder, "How do you know so many famous models?" "Well, I was a part-time model back in London. So I have met them when I go on tours around the world for modeling or during fancy dinners. I used to model male designs for Marinette while she models female designs when we were young. Designing is her thing while modeling is mine. So that has helped a lot when I first modeled in London. I used to have fun modeling with my friends. Do you know, once, I tried dressing up Marinette to model many themes of clothes like royals, Christmas, fairy tales, rock n roll, mermaids and many more? Sorry, I'm rambling. It's a siblings thing that Mari and I have in common," he says smiling sheepishly. "I feel you, bro. we are so used to Marinette rambling that we don't mind you rambling. Chill," Alya says. "SHOWOFF! AND STOP TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT ME MODELLING MY DESIGNS," she threatens him. Marin raises his hands as a sign of surrendering and defense. Who knows when she will attack "Hey, look. Its Luka. Let's go meet him," Marinette says trying to change the topic. "LUKA! LUKA! LUKAAAAAA! LU-," she says while running when she tripped and fell down. Being the clumsy girl she was, she tripped on a pebble and fell hard on her butt. SMACK! I could have sworn I heard the noise when she fell. Luka turned towards the sound and saw Marinette on the ground. We were both running towards her to help her up. Both of us reached her at the same time and gave out our hands for her to get up. But instead of taking our hands, she got up by herself and said, "Thanks for trying to help but I was fine on my own. I fall a lot at home, so I don't feel the pain nowadays. My own brother and best friend don't care if I fall because they know how often I fall," she says while pointing at Marin who was walking with Alya towards us slowly as though nothing happened. WEIRD BROTHER AND FRIEND.

She walks towards Marin and Alya and grabs their arms. She dragged them towards Luka and me. She then introduces Marin to Luka. I couldn't help but stare at Mari. She's so brave and confident when she isn't shy. More like Ladybug. "LET'S GO TO THE MOVIES," I blurted out suddenly. I didn't know what I was thinking when I said it. Everyone looked at me as though they saw a ghost. "Sure," Marin and Alya said after minutes of silence. Marinette and Luka nod their heads. We walked to the cinema. We saw Nino and his family there. So, Marinette introduced Marin to him. Then, we decided to watch a movie together. We bought tickets to watch a horror movie. I was terrified but I sucked it up and acted like a man. I was already starting to feel gooey inside and my legs were like jelly. And we were just buying popcorn now! I need to tell someone about my fear or I will faint during the movie and no one will know why. Who should I tell? Alya? No, I will probably never hear the end of that. Nino? Same. He won't tease me but he would tell Alya and she will eventually tease me. Marin? No way. We just met. Well, Adrien and Marin just met not Chat. But I'm not Chat now. Too bad! Luka? Maybe. Marinette? I can believe her! She won't tell Alya if I tell her to keep it a secret. She won't tease me and she might even 'protect' me during the movie when I'm scared. She's the right person to tell. I feel like a coward but who cares.

While the others buy food, I pulled Mari to the side and told her. "Marinette, can I tell you something?" "Yeah, sure Adrien. What's up?" she asks smiling. I blushed at her cuteness. I didn't notice how close we were. I can count the number of freckles on her face. I suddenly noticed a tint of pink spread across her cheeks. I realized I was staring. I immediately apologized and said, "I am actually afraid of watching the movie. I am scared of horror movies since young. I just needed to tell this to someone so that if I faint in there, someone will know the reason. Please don't tell the others about this, especially Alya. I will never hear the end of that if she knows. And if you can, can you pleaseeeeeeeee 'protect' me during the movies. Don't get me wrong but if you can, can I hold your hand for the entire movie? I'm sorry if it's too much to ask," I said as fast as I could. She smiled at me and said, "I'm actually scared too. I'm not usually the scared one but I heard this movie was super horrifying. I didn't want to upset you guys for being such a downer. I'm actually happy that I'm not the only one who is scared. Just so you know, Marin is also afraid of horror movies so I promised I will sit beside him to comfort him too. So, you will have to sit on my other side. Don't worry, I will hold your hand and comfort you during the movie if you want. And, I will 'protect' you like Ladybug from the ghosts in the movie if only you promise to do the same for me," she said with a wink and a giggle. I swear I love that sound. "I promise to protect you as Chat Noir does with Ladybug. Ladybug protects Chat and Chat protects Ladybug. Together they have each other back and they can protect the world from evil and ghosts from movies," I said with a Chat accent. She laughed and we walked back to the entrance where the others were waiting.


Neither of them knows that they are always protecting each other in their civilian form and as their alter-egos. Every day and every night. No matter what they protect each other from, akumas or ghosts from movies, they will always have each other back. Together they are undefeatable. Together they are strong and powerful. Together they can do anything. No matter what they are, lovers, couples, friends, family, strangers or even enemies, together they are and will be forever Miraculous.

No matter where they are they will always find each other and be together. And they don't even know it. Not yet but soon enough they will find out. This time, Ladybug and Chat Noir will surely find the reason for living and understand love. They will fall for each other over and over again without even knowing. They will always be together forever and ever. They will prove to the world that they are meant to be together and are soul mates who will teach others the meaning of LOVE and how powerful it is. LOVE can make you do incredible things. And our heroes will go to extreme points to prove their love for each other no matter what it takes

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