Chapter 2

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When Keem awoke he found himself chained to the chair, the lock appeared to be a demonitization sign. Susan wojcicki walked out from the shadows. "hello keemstar" she said.
"before we start there's something I must mention, that lock right there? Only I can unlock it. It's made from pure demonitizite and I am in full control of all the worlds demonitizite , that is what allowed me to gain all this Power, power that mortals can only dream of" she stopped in her tracks "but some people wish to use the power for themselves... The pulchritudo civitatem... And I figured out why they've decided to target you too. When you dropped your pallet James Charles discovered your ability, something that they wish to harness for themselves" she turned to him "you, keemstar poses a rare and great power like mine " she paced to him "clownbending" keemstar was aghast..... What the fuck is going on? Clownbending? That's the thing he's heard stories and legends about? How is he a clownbender if they were all wiped out thousands of years ago? His brain was no longer a clown, it was the entire circus 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

"I'll let you go now" susan then raised her hand in a very dramatic fashion, the ground around her quaked with raw power, emmited from herself. Anticlimactically the lock turned green and fell to the ground with a dull clang. Well... At least I'm free now keem thought to himself. Susan wojcicki suddenly cut his thoughts off "come with me and more shall be explained" so, obviously he followed he walked down a long hall full of the greatest clowns who ever lived. He recognised some faces, danielle bregolli, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, morgz, durv, Greg Paul but at the end of the hall was the most ornate and beautiful painting of the worlds biggest clown.... Woahh Vicky.... Susan began again "this, is the hall of clowns. you are standing in the same space where the greatest clowns of all time clown'd 🤡"


around the fire they stood, in james charles's basement. the ingridients were gathered- hightlight, foundation, setting powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, bronzer, contour and concealer. and they were cast into the flames, the group joined hands and chanted "deus tea dolor dormit; nunc expergiscimini"   they began to move around the fire the air smelt of burnt makeup, setting the mood for the foul scheme they were concocting, "bibere tea soror mea" they screamed into the musty air. the flames went from a red to a intense purple and a face appeared amidst the flames "i am gloria borger, for what purpose have you summoned me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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