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  "A true Warrior is someone who strives to be the best they can be at all things and not  necessarily someone who has prowess in the physical/martial arts of battle, but also in the arts of the psychological, mental and spiritual so that one may have the discipline to change our own behaviour to that of living honourable and in a sacred manner." - Unknown


    Many thousand years ago, cats thrived within the convenience of their twoleg's residences as house pets. They gorged themselves on milk and kit-food and led simple, sheltered lives. They died shamefully plump from the spoiling of their owners and, in most cases, were quickly forgotten. They were pathetic and enjoyed every moment of being just that.

    Eventually, several of the slothful cats grew restless and fed up with the same routine. Their paws itched for adventure and their hearts yearned for something more feral. Instincts were followed as the felines began to leave the refuge of their twoleg homes and seek for territories to claim as their own.

    The cats took over natural territory such as forests, lakes, beaches, etc., and began searching for recruits to form what they called 'Clans'. Each Clan was given their own name such as RainClan or LabyrinthClan, which were usually based on characteristics of the land or the members of the Clan. Those that were weak-hearted were never allowed to join a Clan so that only the strong would breed and make the Clans more omnipotent.

    But with all the Clans becoming more powerful and abundant in size, there became a greater need for territorial boundaries to be set down. However, none of the headstrong Clans would settle for proper division of territories, so they began foolishly fighting each other to gain control of the largest chunks of land and water. Many warrior cats were needlessly slaughtered, and those that were 'lucky' enough to be alive became too fainthearted to even defend themselves.

    Since the cats had now become extremely weak, disease spread like wildfire and tore through the Clans until very few remained. Those that were leftover began begging their deceased comrades for the guidance to help them survive before they too were annihilated. The feedback that they received though, was not exactly what they'd been hoping and praying for.

    The spirits of the dead offered 3 simple solutions: Equally distribute the territories and borders, create diverse ranks for cats to specialize in, and make nonviolent congregations of close Clans at least once a moon.

    Reluctantly all the advice was followed, and rules and guidelines were created. The surviving cats built their Clans back strong and made their way to the top; this time the honorable way. Satisfied with their efforts, the spirits that resided in the sky decided to reward the Clan cats with a few special gifts. An area was created where cats could go to receive special abilities. These special powers were unique to each cat and allowed them to defend themselves in unimaginable new ways.

    Leaders were awarded with 8 extra lives to guide their Clans, and were also given a variant power for each of their new lives. Those cats who proved themselves to be superiorly valiant were rumored to be given extra abilities and prophecies of good fortune for their kin.

    With these gifts of course came limitations, but the spirits hoped it would be enough to show the cats that benevolent actions would be heavily rewarded. Unfortunately though, there are always greedy, malevolent beings that want nothing more than to gain power and dominance and wreak havoc...

    Nowadays, more issues have arisen and none of the Clans are safe. Their ancestors have turned their backs on them, filth and plagues have ravaged the land, multitudes of cats have gone missing, and the power hungry have now come to be more menacing, more dire, and even more sinister.

    And the nightmare has barely just begun.  


    Hello fellow twolegs c: This is just an intro into my own version of the Warriors World. I shall have the 1st chapter/ Prologue up asap so if you like/hate the intro, don't be afraid to tell me in the comments ;D I hope you guys are as excited as I am. <3  

Buh-Bai! Don't forget to wash behind your ears, dears. 


Warriors on the Prowl: Tumbling ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now