29 - Stolen heart

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Liyanah's POV

I woke up with a headache and I was feeling really ill.

Mar's arms were still around me and his head was in the crook of my neck.

I thought of staying like that for a little while but then I just felt like I was going to throw up at any second so quickly got up, not realizing that Mar woke up from my jump.

I ran to the bathroom in his room.

"Liya...are you okay?" I heard him ask loudly and his footsteps were closing up

I sat in front of the toilet and was just waiting for it to come out.

"I...I don't know, I'm guess I'm just feeling...ill" I said

He came closer and dragged my hair out of my face.

"Let it all out" he said

"It's hard" I said

"Do you want me to bring some water?" He asked

"Yeah, thanks" I said

He was back in just a minute and handed me the bottle of water.

I opened it and was about to take a sip but then it came up my throat and so I quickly let it all out in the toilet.

Mar was holding my hair up so it wouldn't get in the way.

After throwing up Mar tucked me in and put a trash bag on the side of his bed so I could throw up whenever I needed to.

He was currently downstairs, doing, I don't know. Probably eating, as usual.

I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with a sleeping Mar besides me, holding me.

It was 9am.

Wow, I really slept well.

I slowly got up, thankfully not waking him up.

I took a shower to get cleaned up.

When I got out I heard voices downstairs so I walked down and saw Jo and Samy making breakfast.

They both turned around and it got quiet.

They were just looking at me with worry and sadness in their eyes since they still don't know what happened at the restaurant.

"Good morning" I said and grabbed a water bottle

"Uhh, good morning..." Samy said after a while

"Are you okay?" Jo asked

"Yeah, just a little sick..." I said and took a sip

"We're making breakfast if you want some?" Jo asked

"Sure" I say smiling

We were sitting and eating breakfast but then it started to get awkward.

"Uhh...about yesterday-" I tried

"You know you don't need to talk about it, if it's hard..." Jo said

"It's okay, I want you to know." I smiled

"Well..." I started

"Oh my lord..." Jo gasped

"You know you got us, right?" Samy said

"Yeah, of course" I smiled

"But are you sure...?" Jo asked

"I don't know...all I remember was that he was supposed to be in jail for a long time...like really long..." I sighed

I was upstairs getting my baby bag ready for the birth day.

I put everything a newborn baby would need.

Mar came in to my room.

"Hi, how are you?" He asked

"I'm good, how are you?" I asked and we both sat on my bed

"I'm good, so is the bag ready?" He asked

"Yeah, just got done!" I smiled

"Are you..." he started

"Exited!! But I'm nervous..." I said

"I'll be right next to you." He made sure and put his hand on my stomach

We were just chilling like that.

1 week later

We haven't been doing much lately, besides for chilling and stuff.

I have actually been feeling healthy and good the last week.

I was washing the dishes after dinner with the whole family, including Samy and Yasmine, but all of them m were talking to Antonio who planned on coming to visit.

I was going to put a glass from the other side of the counter in the dishwasher when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

It was so painful that I dropped the glass and it shattered.

I started screaming and I was literally about to fall because of the pain.

Everything went by so fast but I saw Mar running in the kitchen and picking me up.

As he was carrying me to the car I was just screaming and crying because of the pain.

"It hurts!! Oh my god!! It hurts so bad!" I yelled while he slowly put me in the car

I heard him yell to Jo for the bag we had packed up for the baby.

"You're going to be alright!" Mar assured me and ran to the other side of the car

When Jo came running to the car and throwing the bag in the backseat we drove off.

It was a quick drive and Mar was trying so bad to make sure I was alright.

When we got there Mar picked me and the bag up and carried us into the hospital.

Right when we got in I felt water running down my pants and the doctors came and helped.

Oh shit, my water just fucking broke!

They took me to a room where I was supposed to give birth and Mar was standing right next to me. Holding my hand while they were cutting my jeans and changing me into hospital clothes.

After a couple of minutes I felt sharp and strong kicks in my stomach and it hurt so bad.

I was yelling and screaming.

They were checking stuff and running wild, then a female doctor came running into the room and she sat herself right in front on my legs.

"On three, one, two, three...PUSH!" The doctor yelled

With every push I squeezed Mar's hand tighter.

After what felt like hours, I heard a little baby cry.

And when I looked up I saw Mar cutting the umbilical.

He was crying...

He held her in his arms for a while and then put her in my embrace.

As she was laying on top of me, I felt like my whole world was evolving around her.

She had stolen my heart...

A/N- It's finally here!! The birth chapter!!
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LIFE CHANGING / Mariano Castano / ThatWhiteLatino 🦋Where stories live. Discover now