a fresh start

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A/n:based on the song game of life.

As Jlorn awoke he was back in the all to familiar void. Just like usual the man dressed in the suit was there. He took the form of the hottest male you can imagine to lull you into a false sense of security but those who've been in this as long as Jlorn has know the truth. You can't trust a single thing he says. It may not even be a he.

???: my my what is this now soul number 3561056257204 death number 30? How about one more hm?
Jlorn: i dont truly have a choice do i now? What are the possibilities this time?
???: why there are 8 possibilities this time my boy. You've earned it after all the amusement you've given me!
Jlorn: jee thanks but you haven't told me what they are yet.
???: 1 deletes your soul. The rest send you to a fantasy dimension.

Jlorn sighs and rolls the dice. It lands on the one and as it happens his incorporeal body turns to nothingness.

As this is happening our main character Sebastian is forced into the cycle.

???: ohhh! A newcomer eh? Those don't appear very often I am your god Calixtus but you my friend may call me Cal! So heres the deal! You roll this dice and it decides your fate! You can try to struggle and alter it but it'll be pointless! Please do try! Also please roll this dice to get your power. Im feeling fantasy so you'll be sent to a random fantasy dimension due to the next roll.
Sebastian:...that was a lot of exposition.

Sebastian rolls and gets a 3 which is fourth wall breaking.

Cal:roll again! I dont like my toys breaking to quickly and that ability will amuse me! Take it as a gift from your generous god!

A/n:what i originally got was the abillity to alter reality using simply their will but fuck that.
For this roll he got 2 which was in fact energy conversion.

Sebastian: huh guess i could find a use for that
Cal: now thats the spirit! Now are you ready to roll the die once more?

After Sebastian rolls the dice and before he knows where hes going hes sent to the womb.

/born time uwu\
He looks around his new surroundings and tries to figure out if hes human. It seems his eye sight is still shitty. He still tries to figure out if hes even male. It looks like a stone house but thats about all he can tell. He starts practicing with his power in minor ways such as turning some radiant energy around him into thermal energy. As he does this his eyes finally clear up. He realizes if he finds a way to focus the thermal energy he could essentially have a death laser so he decides to try and figure out how to do that. During his experiments he succeeds at the cost of him being awake.

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