a knight in training

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[Today's dice roll:5]

A group of knights are wandering through the forests when they find a teen wearing armor made of boar bones and a lance made of a boar tusk. The teen is in the midst of hunting when they spot him. They approach cautiously approach.

Knights:who are you to hunt in the lords forest!
Sebastian: lords forest? isnt this place called the hell forest or some shit. Wouldn't it hurt your lords image to have a forest that is called hell forest be connected to him?

The knights angrily agree with him but they have to take him to the lord by law for his punishment. As they're walking they have him disarmed and disarmored. Hes brought before the lord and defends himself. The lord doesn't really give a shit and have him join the knights.

Once hes at his new home he gets everything he can to match his skills. Oh i should probably show my skills right? Im probably about 15 now so my skills have improved massively.



Dagger master (9/10)
Lance master (6/10)
Axe adept (2/10)
H.A master (max)
Idle healing (2/10)
Absorption(1/10)[explanation:has a chance to absorb stats]
Anti erasure(2/10)
Magic battery (1/10)[explanation: a ticking timb bomb. Once it goes off everything dies.]
Fourth wall breaking (max)

Hardened flesh (7/10)[explanation:due to eating nothing but monsters a new creature is being made.]
Adaption [1/10](explanation:gain skills in the most dire of circumstances)
Mount riding(3/10)

Evolved flight (7/10)[explanation:constantly evolving wings sprout from the users back]
Magic conversion(4/10)
Magic erasure (5/10)
Forced evolution (1/10)
Monsterization (max)
Summon (3/10)[explanation: summons a monster that will get permanently bound to the soul thus speeding up the transformation]
Tame (1/10)[explanation: a weaker monsters consciousness is forced into your body. Its soul comes along and can now be ordered around]

He gets the heaviest armor he can but to him its light. He gets the best gear for his rank but it shatters. In a day everyone is impressed or terrified due to his strength. During training no one challenges him. During hunting monsters avoid them. Everything is going good. Maybe the dice is on his side. Maybe its his luck. Maybe i want to actually turn him into a monster for my own enjoyment. Who knows nut let me tell you its c.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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