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We hold unrealistic expectations for things in our lives. We expect them to be a certain way because it either sounds good or we see it on tv and in movies and books. But life isn't a movie or a book. It's real. It's genuine and reality is realistic. Just because Hollywood says so or New York best sellers list days so does not mean our dreams and desires are based in reality. Some things just aren't meant to be that way and in fact, within reality most of those unrealistic expectations fall short of what it's actually supposed to be. An example of relationships. Everyone either wants a hallmark Christmas movie relationship or a super hot spicy one revolving around sexual attraction. Neither of which is bad in themselves but when all the emphasis is on these two things we become out if balance and selfish. We do not realize what we actually have and aren't thankful for it. Would you really rather have a partner who is constantly being sexual towards you and shows love through your body, or would you want a partner who shows love through what they do? Yes this includes sexual relations but it also includes, doing small things for you, not leaving you when three kids come and both of you are tired after a long day and don't want sex anymore. Someone who is grateful to cook or clean or keep the kids busy so the other can sleep and thinks a perfect night is just you two enjoying each other, whatever that means in that moment. Now doesn't that sound so much sweeter then a relationship built on lust and sex?

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