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Will you be my valentine?

I've never spoken those words to anyone but now all I want to do is say them to you.... Those and so much more.. I want to tell you I love you and I'm yours... I want to ask you to stay with me forever because I can't imagine my life without you... I want to ask you to be my husband because it pains me every night when your not there and every morning when I don't wake up next to you. I want to forever see your smile and gold hidden in your eyes.. I want to make you laugh... Really laugh.. Like you only do for me... I want to be there when times are good and when there hard.... I want to be the run you can run too, who will never leave no matter how much you annoy me... I want to make you coffee in the morning and dinner at night... I want to make you happy when you come home....

Now I don't say these things because of how amazing you are...even though you are quite amazing... I'm saying this because you make me want to be more then I was... You make me better then I was before you. You make me strive to become a better person everyday. You open my eyes to the best and worst parts of me... And you do it in love... You make me feel so strong and brave and good... And no matter what with you I feel safe... You make me want to be bold and loving and kind and generous... You make me want to live up to my word and truly be a better person... And I really hope one day I can be all of that for you...

I love you so much and I really want to make a better life for you... I want you to know every day what it's like to be loved... I want you to have a chance to be happy and a family I know you deserve... I want to be the woman who gives it all to you... And I know I'm not your first but I want to be your last... I want to be the last hand you hold and the last lips you kiss... I want to be the person standing beside you as you take your last breath... I want to give you all the love I have...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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