Chapter 1- the rumors

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I didn't love him, nor did he love me. In fact, I hated him and he hated me. He kept mocking me, and I kept talking back at him. Were we friends? No... I mean.. I guess? But no. I hate him.

We go to the same classes. I always see him in the school hallways too. Let's just say I see him a lot... (heck he even takes the same road as I do to go back home from school).
Things started to get weird at school. I would see girls and boys staring at me, gossiping and laughing. I noticed he was getting stared at, too. I would hear my name and his in a same sentence someone would pronounce.
Last thing I know, they were shipping me with him.
"When did you guys get together?" One person asked.
"You guys are so cute together!" Another one added.
"Are you and Carlos together?"
"What's his name on your phone?"
"Did y'all go on a date?"
Again, and again...
More questions, more assumptions.
Who made them think we're together? I don't know... We don't even talk to each other.
"We don't even know each other! We don't talk!" I replied, to each and every one of the people who were asking.
"Why are you hiding the fact that you like him? Why are you hiding your relationship?"
The questions kept coming. New questions everyday.
It had to stop. It was getting worse and worse everyday.
"You wanna WHAT now??" Asked my best friend, Wendy. She's the only person I looked up to. I knew she could help me.
"We should fake date! What if we give them what they want, and all the rumors stop!!" I said. She seemed shocked about my solution.
"But you hate him! And he hates you! What makes you think he would accept?!"
"Only one way to find out!" And I ran searching for him to ask him.
"Look who's coming to talk to me! That's a first!" He said with an evil smirk on his face.
"Shut up dork. You're having the same problem as me. Isn't it bothering you?"I told him.
"I mean yeah obviously it's annoying. Who would wanna be shipped with you?" He added.
"Ugh shut up. I have a solution."
"And it is...?"
"We should fake date! The rumors will stop then!" I said with high hopes.
"What? Me dating you? Haha! hell no!"
"Please! When it's all over I'll... I'll buy you lunch!" I made a deal with him hoping he accepts.
"Hmph. Deal. You owe me."
"Yay!!" I leaned in for a hug, but he pushed me away. I giggled.

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