Chapter 2 [I'm Smilin' For You]

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"So Dee, dear, how is that dreaded creature you married?" Damians mother, Tabitha, was sipping black tea, both of Damians parents were dreadfully transphobic.

"If you don't care why do you ask?" Damian asks.

"I'm just supporting your interests." His mom states.

"I'm pretty sure I have a friend who has a daughter that would accept money to marry you, then you can devorce the hag and marry someone who will give you real children." His dad blurts out.

Damian becomes angry.

"Oh and Remus isn't a real child?"

"I never said that, He's just not blood, and there plenty messed up with him so you could throw him into an insane asylum and be rid of them both!" His dad says cheerfully.

Damian stands quickly making the chair behind him fall to the ground with a loud crash.

"I will never leave Remy or Remus, not for money, not for a house, not for a woman, because I love them, and if you can't deal with that then,,, guess you just lost your son." Damian says ready to leave.

Damians dad grips his wrist in a controlling way.

"If you leave we will cut you off."

"We don't need your money." Damian says before ripping his wrist out of his fathers hand and storming out of the large house.


"So how was your time with your parents?" Remy asks, the couple was making dinner, Remy was chopping and Damian was doing the actual cooking.

"Oh you know... terrible as always."

"What happened this time?" Remy asked wiping his hands on his around the waist apron.

"They were telling me to leave you and Remus, at the end they cut me off and lost a son." Damian said letting the soup heat up.

"We-" Was all Remy got out before two children came into the kitchen, one running and one following behind anxiously.

"Remus? Oh who's your friend?" Remy asks with a smile.

Remus moves to stand beside the anxious boy, maybe a year or two younger than himself.

"This is Virgil! I met him after school! I stopped a bully from stealing his MCR slap bracelet!" Remus says excitedly.

"Oh,,, Hello Virgil, I'm Remus' mother Remy, how are you?" Virgil nods in response too scared to speak.

"Oh yeah- he has super bad anxiety-! Um hey is it okay if Virgil spends the night?" Remus asks his parents.

"Hmm I don't know what did his parents say?" Damian asks.

"They said it's okay! He lives next door!" Remus says excitedly.

"Fine but don't scare him, also dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes, Virgil are you allergic to anything?" Remy asks.

Virgil nods before whispering something into the taller boys ear, for some reason feeling comfortable around the boy.

"He said he's allergic to pen-i-cil-lin." Remus sounds out perfectly.

"Well as long as Remy didn't put that in the soup you'll be fine." Damian jokes.

Somehow Virgil found it slightly funny as he smiled a tad bit before running out of the room calling out for Remus to come on and show him where his room is.

Remy smiles, "Remus hasn't ever invited a friend over before."

"Maybe he's starting to branch out and be nicer to people?"

"let's hope."

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