Chapter 36

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Johnny starts to drive the car. Disregarding every person in the casino. All he says is, "Excuse me! Pardon me!" Pretending everyone can hear him.
I scream the entire time.
Thankfully everyone moves out of the way in time. The glass doors burst as we drive through them. He speeds up once we reach the highway.
We get stuck behind a truck.
Johnny says, "Much to slow, don't you think love?"
Facing the oncoming traffic he drives past the truck.
I pull my knees to my chest and cover my eyes. Then I scream, "Holy shit!"
"Did I really just do that?" He says.
"Holy fuck you just did that." I respond.
He puts his hand on my knee and shakes it, he says, "Fuck yeah I just did that!"
Still recovering I say, "You're a criminal."
"We're criminals." He corrects me.
"You're the one just stole a frigging Ferrari!"
"You got in the car didn't you. Thick as thieves darling."

After driving for a while I start to fall asleep. I wake up when there is a sharp stop.
I open my eyes and Johnny is swerving everywhere.
I ask, "What just happened?"
"That was me falling asleep on the job."
"You fell asleep while driving?!"
"Not on purpose! I think its best if we stop somewhere for the night."
"Good call."
We stop at another motel. This one worse than the last.
There's a bathroom and a bed. Thats about it.
Johnny says, "Well at least the rent was cheap."
"Well I'm taking a shower." I say. I walk towards the bathroom and hop in the shower.
I'm almost done, when the shower door opens up. Johnny, who is naked walks in.
I try to cover myself as best as possible.
I say, "Well that's what you call a sneak attack."
"If you want me to leave..."
I don't answer, he says, "Thats what I thought."
I'm still trying cover myself with my arms I say, "Well at least let me wash my hair."
The shampoo here isn't the best quality, but I'll take what I can get.
I start massaging the shampoo in my scalp but a huge glob falls into my eye.
I say, "Aw fuck."
I hold my eye shut, but it burns.
Johnny starts to laugh.
"What are you laughing at?"
"You just look so sexy right now."
I take the bubbles remaining on my hands from the shampoo and blow it all over his face.
Covered in bubbles he says, "Amusing. Yeah. Come here give me a smooch."
He puts either of his hands beside my head and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and we kiss for a while.
When we decide we've wasted enough water, I shut the water off.
Sneakily Johnny snatches the last towel and runs away with it. I run to grab the towel. He runs past me and smacks my bottom as he passes.
"I'm a girl. What happened to ladies first?" I say.
He throws the towel at me. I wrap it around myself, immediately more warm.
Somehow he finds another towel and wraps it around his waist.

Jesus that v-line.

He comes behind and puts his arms around me, making me even more warm. He kisses me from behind, and I turn to face him.
I stop the kiss short and turn around to put my clothes on. As I walk away he grabs my towel and I'm suddenly naked again.
"Sorry darling, but you look much better without it on."
I grab it from him and walk to the bathroom to grab my clothes. I put my bra and under wear on, then I dry my hair.
Out of nowhere Johnny grabs my waist from behind and throws me onto the bed.
He falls next to me.
I lay on top of Johnny, he puts his hands behind his head. I lay on one side of my face with my hands beneath my cheek. His bare chest feels soft and warm.
After a couple moments of silence I ask,
"Are we gonna die?"
"Sure hope not." He answers.
"Yeah, me too."
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason."
"There's obviously a reason."
"Just curious."
"Curious about what?"
"Like what happens if the Order gets all the blood and stuff?"
"We die."
"And that's it?"
"That's it."
"Wanna know something?"
"I'm not gonna let that happen."
"Is that something you can control?"
"Sure is."
"Good. I'm glad."
"Wanna know something else?"
"I love you."
I don't really know what to say. Johnny seems to be fine, with the fact that I don't answer. He reaches over to the lamp and shuts it off.
Once it's dark for a minute or so, quietly I whisper, "I love you too."
I nearly jump out my skin when he responds, "I know."
I say, "You weren't supposed to hear that."
He whispers back, "I know."

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