On the eighth day of Christmas, my father gave to me...eight DtK figures?

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"Okay this is just getting ridiculous now," Ciel stared at the tiny figures of Death the Kid. "Has the author of this fanfiction really lost all ideas?"

"I don't know, I think it's kind of cute," Vincent arranged them all in a nice even line. "Eight is the perfect number what else would happen on the eighth day of Christmas? We have to celebrate Death the Kid on the eighth of everything!"

"Who is this person?" Sebastian looked at the figures. He was tempted to pick one up but he was ultimately not going to do that. He wasn't sure how important they were to Ciel.

"Death the Kid is a smol bean in Soul Eater," Adrian, who had lost all hope of being a pretty vampire type, turned into the perfect N.E.E.T. He was wearing pajama pants with the Voltron lions on them, a t-shirt with Ash Lynx in chibi form with cat ears (to keep with the cat theme) and had his hair tied back into a ponytail.

"Soul Eater?" Sebastian's head tilted to the side in his perfect robotic confusion. He could just google it, but that would ruin his whole ignorantly cute personality trait. The author can't have that.

"Soul Eater! It's a marvelous story of a twin-tailed tsundere, a Great Value Brand Naruto, and a smol bean reaper!" Vincent placed his hands over his heart and looked off into the mysterious unknown with tears in his eyes. "Death the Kid didn't get nearly enough screentime."

"You're forgetting another major character here," Adrian crossed his arms.

"Hm? I don't think so? Those are the main three, unless you mean their weapons?"

Ciel, taken aback by his father's stupidity, decided to enlighten him. He stood next to Adrian, raised his arms in that wonderful Will Smith meme pose, and announced: "Your husbando legitimately looks exactly like him. Franken Stein. The creepy version of Kakashi with the laid back personality of Aizawa. How could you forget such an iconic scientist when he looks the same! Scar and everything!"

"I was avoiding it on purpose," Vincent laughed albeit nervously.

"Why?" Ciel frowned.

"Think about it. Adrian makes the perfect Stein. Yes. But also no. Their scars aren't in the same angle. Plus, if Adrian is Stein, who does that make me? You make a good Maka. But Sebastian and I are far too dapper to be anyone in Soul Eater."

"This is quite the predicament," Ciel agreed. "Wait!" the son rushed towards the father and grabbed his arms, squeezing them tightly he continued, "Blair! Sebastian can be Blair!"

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Shhh, hush, silence, let me continue," Ciel walked over to Sebastian. He gestured for the male to lean down, which he did, and then the son plopped cat ears on his head. The father gasped.

"Such innocence. Such cuteness. He could be the male Blair! Oozing with sexual energy but ending his sentences in 'nya'!" Vincent was completely and 100% on board.

"Which means you either have to be Spirit, older DtK, or Lord Death," Ciel shrugged.

"I can't be DtK. Stein x DtK is an okay ship but I just don't fit the role," Vincent crossed his arms to make an X. "Lord Death is out of the question because I'm not nearly goofy enough. But by that same logic Spirit is also out of the question. However, Spirit does have an undying love for Maka and since I am a father does that make me fit the role? I'm not a filthy cheating womanizer though..."

"Says you," Adrian scoffed.

"I beg to differ," Ciel shook his head.

"Hey! I am not!" Vincent pouted.

"If I might add my own personal thoughts," Sebastian raised his hand like a student in class. "I think they mean to say you have the looks of a womanizer and even if you don't intentionally flirt like the character does, you're still a hopeless bisexual disaster."

"Ciel," Vincent sobbed. "Are you teaching your robotic boyfriend ways to insult me?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny..."

"Cielllllll," Vincent sobbed more.

"It's okay, I still love you," Adrian hugged and comforted Vincent.

"Ew, gross," Ciel gagged and exited the premises so that he could fanboy in secret and still maintain his tsundere personality. Sebastian, ever so confused, followed him without asking another question.

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