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I just wanted to tell the people that are depressed and happen to like fairytail
I love u.and I will always listen to your problems ❤️
Just know someone cares for u and loves u
You may not like my attention or affection but hey? I'm also a wreck.
Just know that I'm here for u and ur friends,people care ❤️
I recently lost my best friend
She was great and I loved her,
She committed suicide and at that point I didn't believe it,that was until I saw her...she was so cold....it hurt me to know she was gone and not coming back....no matter how much I told myself she was in a better place,I just couldn't believe myself........I wanted to hug someone....forever,until I stopped crying..
I wanted someone to comfort me, my uncle passed away too
He was so kind,and funny :)
I wanted to be happy,but the constant reminder that he was still gone hurt me...
And hurt me....
But hey! At least I still got my mum and my siblings 😁

Lmao nvm u wouldn't care anyways

Have a nice day peoples 😗

And know that there's always someone that can listen to u
And care ❤️❤️

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