Chapter 2: A New Encounter

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There was a flutter of wings and the wind blew silently as Sb and Toga walked foreward. A few hours had gone by and surprisingly Sb wasn't tired in the slightest. Toga constantly complained and asked whether Sb could fly. That would make the journey quicker. Sb always declined and even Toga didn't know why.

There was a rustle in the bushes. Sb stopped and looked around, he rustling continued. Sb became impatient and her hand became engulfed in her flames. Sb was a fire dragon, which was strange considering her mothrr was a wind dragon and her brother was a water dragon. Ha, genetics how do they work?

Sb shot the bush eith her flame and it quickly caught on fire. A person tumbled out.

"Ow ow, ow ow, ow, ow," he said clutching his clothes desperately trying to put out the flame. The boy seemed to be the same age as Solar Beam. The boy had pure white hair, he wore a white hoodie and grey trousers. His eyes were purple and he had black scaly wings stretching out his back.

"Name?" Stated Solar Beam.

The boy looked at her,

"Um... Blanc," He said. He caught notice of Sb's wings.

"Oh! Your a dragon! What type are you I'm a white harmony dragon and I-"

Blanc was stopped by a tremendous voice.


Another boy stormed in, the boy wore a black hoodie and had silky black hair. He had the same purple eyes as Blanc. With closer inspection Sb realised they were twins.

"How dare you leave me! And spy on a girl for that matter. What are you a pervert? I am so mad at you right now Blanc one more thing and I will kill you with my own paws!" The boy said. He realised that Sb and Toga were standing there and immediately stopped his rambling.

"Eh, sorry... Um, I am Noir the black harmony dragon," The boy stumbled on his words and his voice sounded incredibly feminine. With a closer look Sb could see a lot of feminine things about this boy.

Blanc pointed at the boy.

"By the way, this is a girl. She may look weird but she's a girl. She is my twin sister and her name is Noir," he said. "And Noir, that's another fellow dragon!" He added.

"A dragon? Wow, haven't seen another dragon in a while," Noir exclaimed. "What type are you?" She asked.

Sb wondered and shook her head.

"I can't remember," she said.

Toga leapt off Sb's shoulder and regained his human form.

"She's an Imperial dragon," He said. Noir froze at the word and Blanc gasped.

"Your alive?" They said in unison. Sb nodded uncertainly.

"But didn't AHS murder the entire family?" Asked Blanc.

"Who's AHS?" Asked Sb. Very confused.

"Ahs is... how to put it... an evil mastermind. Ahs stands for Acoustic Heart Strings which is her full name. Ahs employs ninja cats to murder important royals. She started with small pickings than went for the big boss. The queen, your mother," said Noir.

"What do you mean by small pickings?" Said Toga listening intensely.

"For one...," Noir choked on some tears, "O... our m... mother," she said as a single tear flowed down her cheek. Sb edged towards the crying dragon.

"Pat pat," she said gently tapping Noir in the head.

"Anyone, royal status or not, should always move on. You still have your brother, I lost mine. You can still live with a smile can't you? No, I never said to stop grieving. I am saying stop mourning. You can miss your mother but don't forever cling onto the memories of her," Toga said. He didn't like seeing such a young dragon with such a face on. Hw locked eyes with Noir momentarily but looked away after awhile.

Noir turned to Sb who was still pating her on the head. She nodded and let out a broad grin. She hugged Blanc. Who looked thoroughly embarrassed.

"Thanks," Noir said.

Elemental Crontrollers: Book 1: FireWhere stories live. Discover now