Straight to the Point

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Hello, my username is EunjiMin Jeon and that is what most of you can call me. I'm going to start this from the very beginning and I mean the very beginning before the harassment started. I was on a social site in a role-play modeling agency. After an argument with the owner of the room, I had decided to keep to myself while in her room and not converse with anyone to prevent from angering the owner of the room. During that time, I kept my focus on playing a video game called Skyrim. Most times, the room owner's friend pulled me into a private chat to vent about her friend which my responses were very limited to simple responses to show that I was listening. Like I stated earlier, I was more focused on not trying to get caught off guard by the frostbite spiders in Skyrim (those things are hella scary). During one of my gaming nights, I was not paying attention to the chat, but something had caught my attention through my peripheral vision and the person told me to get out which confused me for I haven't said anything and I did say as much. Feeling sick and tired of how I was getting treated by the owner of the room all the time, I left her room for good (good riddance). For some odd reason though, the person's significant other came into my room and harassed me to which I responded to booting and blocking him. Afterwards their friend came in doing the same harassment which lead to her also getting booted and blocked as well. I thought it was done for good after that.... Oh, but I was so so so wrong.

A year later, after I had gotten married and moved out of state, something odd had started happening; random accounts kept coming into my rooms and spammed me with hateful comments. Do I remember what was said back then? No, I don't. At first, I thought it was trolling and being trained by a troll, I trolled back thinking it was a one-time thing. Again, I was wrong. Instead, they kept coming into my room one after another. There was nothing I could do about it. Eventually, it turned into threats of torturing me then rape and death threats. Then something awful happened, whoever was the one behind the spams, found my real name; most likely from a facebook post I made. That was when the person started using that against me. It was during that time that I knew something was very wrong. I went to different sites to escape from what was going on for I didn't want to deal with it anymore and guess what, that person decided to follow me everywhere I went, there was no escape for me. They kept bringing up the drama that had happened in... I'll call her C; in C's room. Which that brought me to believe that it was either her or her group of friends. That'd be the logical assumption. I mean C did message me on a writing site known as I was accused by her of sending my friend J after her when in fact I had no knowledge of such thing happening. I was minding my own business trying to write my own fanfiction and reading on the site. It's not the first time I was accused of such things either, I had also been accused of making alt accounts to harass her when I never did, so, that brought my assumption someone was pretending to be me and bothering the person.

The more time went on with the stalking and the hateful words, the more I felt alone and grew into depression. Luckily, I had my friends J and the other E, who were both attacked just because they were my friends and stood up for me. When we got word of C hurting herself, both J and I tried talking to her thinking that it was her, C, but it turned out to be S (might be the same person, I don't know). We told her to not let the stuff bother her and to remain strong. Does that sound like someone who wants to hurt and bully others? I'm the type and was the type who likes to help others. If I can share some knowledge, I am happy to do so. But, again, even after trying to help, it felt like a slap in the face when I found out she kept talking about me and accusing me of bullying her when I never have. That was when I had decided to cut all ties from C/S. I wanted nothing to do with the person. Then I came to find out someone had their grandmother (turned to mother often, the story was often not kept straight) make a video to tell my friend J off and I guess it mentioned me for my name was in the title.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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사이버 스토킹, 내 이야기/ Cyberstalking, My Side of the StoryWhere stories live. Discover now