Chapter 1 I

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He said he would never leave, ever. I closed my eyes trying not to think about it. I know if I do I'm just making it worse on myself.
"Marc I'm going to the store, need anything?" My 17 year old sister Maria asked as she put her strawberry blonde hair in a pony-tail.
"Could you get me a pack of gum please." I said and she nodded and went outside and I saw her drive out of the drive-way.
Once she left completely I sat on the couch turning the station trying to find something to watch, but nothing seemed to catch my eye.
"I'm home darling." My mom called in her soft calm voice. I heard clicking of heels against are wooden floor and I cringed at the sound.
"How was the case?" I asked trying to get the sound out of my mind.
"I won of course, idiot thought he could get away with robbing the place. Please you put it on Twitter. Idiots. " My mom keep on raining on how the case went and I started to drowned her soft voice out.
She put her briefcase down on the counter and went up stairs. I knew she was going to take a nap so I decided I should do some snooping.
I opened her briefcase as I went through all her files and papers. I looked very closely at one certain one the paper read,
Jon Woods
Robbery of Julio the book store on 10/12/21 caught on camera.
I didn't read any more feeling as I felt myself chocking on my own spit. My dad is really that stupid, he was the idiot my mom was talking about. My dad was a idiot but really.

I quietly put away the stuff as I heard a car pull into the driveway. Once my sister gave me my gum I ran upstairs not bothering to help her with her stuff.

I went on my computer logging in my Twitter account. I deleted all my pictures Matthew feeling tears roll down my cheeks. I just wiped them away as I went through all my photos. I don't understand what I did so wrong to make him break up with me. My 4 brothers have all found a perfect girlfriend and both of my sisters. The only ones single in this house is me and my 4 year old sister Emily and I'm pretty sure she already has a boyfriend. My mom found a new boyfriend on some dating website.

I slammed my laptop close throwing it in my basket screaming in my pillow.

I heard a tiny knock on my door and I just groaned in response. I saw a tiny shadow come over to my bed and tap me on my shoulder. I shifted over facing my little sister Emily. "Yes?" I said putting my head back down.

"Are you okay, I heard banging coming from your room?" She asked in her cute baby voice. I swear I'm gonna cry if she ever grows up.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said kissing her on her cheek. She put her arms up and I picked her up and laid her on the bed next to me wrapping my arms around her waist feeling my eyes get lighter as I feel asleep.

~Authors Note~

I know it's short but I'm tired okay and I wanna go asleep.

I'll update if I get 1 comment and 2 votes and 10 reads.

Well overall I hoped you enjoyed this story the updates will get longer I swear unless I get lazy and feel like going to sleep K.

I'm sorry if I don't update like every day but I have school and my mom puts a limit on my iPod sorry guys.

Also if you ever want to interact with me just message me or

Instagram~ _xXImFabXx_
Snapchat~ Banana_man11

So yeah hope you enjoyed the story bye love you!

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