Chapter 5

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Cassie and Mariana left the boys' home not long after everyone had called it a night. It was while walking to their apartment that Cassie told her best friend what had happened between her and Isaac earlier on.

"After I apologized and tried to fix everything, he said he wasn't interested in getting back together. I'm so fucking pissed! I suddenly kissed him without thinking and then ran away 'cause he kinda freaked out. I can't believe I did that."

Mariana found herself wincing. "Yikes, that sounds terrible. I'm sorry."

"It's like my apology didn't faze him whatsoever. I don't know what else I could've said that would've changed his mind! I just don't get why he's being so stubborn about this," Cassie exclaimed.

"Yeah, I don't know either. Did you see him sitting beside Lexi during the movie?"

Cassie's eyes turned stone cold. "They were sitting together when I approached him in the first place. I was gonna say something nasty to Lexi, but I knew it would've angered Isaac if I did so. I didn't really pay attention to them after Isaac and I talked."

Mariana nodded before opening her mouth to speak again. But she hastily pursed her lips.


"I don't wanna upset you."

"I'm already upset, so it doesn't really matter. Tell me, please."

"Fine. I heard Isaac and Lexi talking just before the movie started. He told Lexi about your guys' talk, and Lexi was like, 'It's funny that she'd apologize to you, but not to me.' She wasn't offended— she sounded amused. But then Lexi joked that he needs a new girlfriend so that you'd leave him alone. Isaac laughed and said that he's happy as a single guy."

Cassie's shaking hands balled tightly into fists. First Isaac refused to take her back again, and now Lexi was making a big joke about it. She had no right to say that he needed a new girlfriend! Who the hell was she to say such nonsense? It seemed as though Lexi was trying to push Cassie out of the way so that she could have Isaac. They'd hung out one-on-one at least once since school had begun again, and they'd looked quite close tonight.

"What a fucking BITCH!" she exclaimed. Her outburst made Mariana jump, but she didn't care. "Why does she keep fucking things up for me?!"

"She probably enjoys seeing you so upset, especially after everything that happened last year," Mariana guessed. "That doesn't make it okay, obviously; but that's what I think is going on."

By now, the two had reached their apartment complex. But rather than walk into their place, Cassie had a different idea.

"I'm gonna pay Lexi a little visit."

"No, don't. It's late," Mariana argued.

But Cassie didn't care. She abandoned her best friend and stormed off to Lexi's apartment. She'd remembered where it was after Nikita had let it slip a week or two ago. She knocked on the door, and Lexi answered a few minutes later. The blonde-haired woman rubbed her eyes vigorously.

"It's almost midnight...can't this wait?" she asked as a small yawn escaped her.

Cassie ignored the question. "Mariana told me that you were making fun of me 'cause of my chat with Isaac. Do you seriously think he needs a new girlfriend? What the fuck's wrong with you?!"

"I wasn't serious. Not that it's any of your business, but he told me he's not interested in dating right now. He was frustrated about everything he's going through, and I was only trying to make him feel better by joking about it. I'm sorry if I offended you 'cause that was never my intention."

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