Chapter 33

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"Hey, it's Lexi! I'm sorry I missed your call. But please leave me a message, and I'll get back to you when I can. Thanks!"

Isaac didn't bother following the instructions. He grumbled while hanging up for the hundredth time. Perhaps he'd tried calling her that times; or maybe it had been more than that. The odds were more likely that it was less, but it really didn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

He hadn't heard a peep from Lexi since Cassie had interrupted their date all those nights ago. While it wasn't surprising, that didn't make it hurt any less. He'd sent multiple texts to her as well, yet every single one was ignored.

Why did Cassie have to fuck things up? Why can't she stop sticking her nose in mine and Lexi's relationship? Is this bullshit ever going to end?

These were just some of the questions that flooded Isaac's head as he laid on top of his bed late Saturday night. He could faintly hear Felipe and DeShawn chatting and playing video games without a care in the world. They didn't know what had gone down last week whatsoever. He didn't want to whine about his relationship drama to his friends. While they would've sympathized, he knew that they'd been slightly annoyed with him if he were to bitch about his problems yet again. He didn't dare tell his parents, either because if what Cassie had said was true, then they certainly wouldn't give a damn about Lexi's feelings.

Was she bluffing? Or was she telling the truth? Isaac wondered. I honestly can't tell.

Speaking of Cassie, he also hadn't heard from her since her most recent spontaneous outburst. That was bewildering; she'd gone to all the trouble of ruining their night due to her jealous streak yet hadn't reached out since all of that went down. He wasn't sure if she was planning her next move, busy harassing just Lexi, or waiting for him to come crawling back to her. Whatever she had in mind, Isaac knew one thing for certain— he still wanted absolutely nothing to do with her.

How dare she keep trying to ruin things between Lexi and me?! Now Lexi's upset and hurt. She's hurt, and it's my fault because I can't keep Cassie away from her. Cassie refuses to leave us alone, even though we've asked her numerous times. I don't want to lose Lexi because of my crazy ex. Why has this turned into a huge fucking mess?? Fuck my life.

Isaac's hands slowly balled up into fists. He was done with this whole love triangle now more than ever before. This nonsense had gone on for far too long, and he knew it.

He flew off his bed, grabbed his keys, and walked downstairs as quickly as he could. He made it to the landing before putting on his boots and winter jacket.

"Where are you going?" Felipe asked.

"Out," Isaac answered.

Felipe didn't ask any more questions, and DeShawn also didn't pipe up. They shrugged it off before going back to their video game. Isaac wasn't miffed by their lack of care for what he was up to. He left his home and began the walk to Cassie's apartment. It was just after seven PM, so the night was still young. He was glad it wasn't super late when he'd decided to head out, as he didn't want to wake any of Cassie's innocent neighbours. If he woke her or Mariana up though, that was fine with him. But since he knew they'd be awake at this time, he didn't race over to their complex. Instead, he walked at a slightly fast pace.

She's going to regret what she did, he thought off and on while making his way over there.

Ten or so minutes later, Isaac had arrived at Cassie's and Mariana's apartment. He buzzed them and waited for a response.


"Mariana? It's Isaac."

"Oh, hey, Isaac! Did you wanna talk to Cassie?"

Lexi's Love & WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora