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The wind was howling vigorously like a pack of wolves at a full moon

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The wind was howling vigorously like a pack of wolves at a full moon. The snow was packed in a thick layer and on top walked a pair of feet slowly and carefully. Shifting through the trees, the girl looked around her into the dark evening for any sign of danger. Pulling her scarf over her nose, the brunette marched on, hand on the grip of the sword attached to her back and her breath visible in the ice cold air. Carefully descending the mountain slope, she started walked towards the little village not to far away, moving with the shadows as one.

Dim street lights lit up the deserted, cobble stone roads as the brunette walked towards the small house, almost on the edge of the town. Moving to the back, the girl looked up to the window that was open with just a smidge. Pulling herself up, stone by stone, she opened the window and slipped inside. A sigh escaped her lips as she pulled down her scarf and took her sheath from her back, a soft smile on her face as she hid it in the back of her closet. Stepping to the small bookcase in her room, the brunette girl plopped down on her bed after she grabbed a book with a dark, leather cover. Flipping it open, a letter fell out, the envelope adorned with one word written in a beautiful handwriting. 'Solange.'

The brunette smiled at the sight of her own name, her fingers softly skimming the open edge as she pulled the letter out. 'For my sweet daughter, for my little sun, a necklace as beautiful as her own name and a connection between the two of us, love mom.' Solange's hand automatically went to the pendant of a sun around her neck, clasping it tightly before putting the letter and book back and pulling the covers over her figure, moon light bursting through the window as she drifted off into sleep.


It was the ass crack of dawn, light streaming in from Solange's window as she grunted before she forced herself out of bed and got dressed. "Morning." her dad said, roughly pushing a plate with bacon and eggs in front of of her. "Jesus what got into today?" the brunette asked her father curiously, shoving a fork load of bacon in her mouth. The relationship between the girl and her father was...rocky to say the least. "Where were you last night?" Solange put down her fork, swallowing as she shut her eyes close, taking a deep breath. "I was out." the brunette replied, her calm blue eyes turning into a stormy sea with anger lingering on the horizon.

"We're you out on the Cursed Caldera?" the girl chuckled at her father, the disdain dripping from his tone and certainly not in a subtle way. "It won't matter what answer I give you, I'm ending up with a lecture smacking me in the face anyway." Solange retorted, her fork pushing around the food on her plate. "Sol y-" her fist slammed on table. "Don't. Call. Me that." the brunette hissed through her teeth as her neck snapped toward her father. "I only want what's best for you." her father continued, trying his best to apply sympathy. "If you were trying your best then you'd at least tell me about mom!" her father rolled her eyes at her. "Not this again." Solange looked at him in shock, trying to properly process the words he just spoke. "Oh I'm sorry? 'not this again?' Are you fucking kidding me dad?" the brunette looked at her father but the air between them was silent, if not even more tense then it already was a few minutes ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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