Chapter 22

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Emma's POV

I enter my apartment. As soon as she notices me, Mary-Margaret shoots up from the couch. "Emma!" She almost shouts. "I wanna hear all about your date! Where did he take you? Was it nice?" She gasps and he eyes widen, "Was there a goodnight kiss?"

"Now that," my father says as he enters the living room, "I don't want to know."

Elsa is following close behind him.

"Well, we were just getting ready to leave. Henry is staying with Regina tonight, and Elsa with us. So you'll have the whole place to yourself." Mom says.

"Well that's okay, guys. I'm gonna turn in. Just lock the door when you leave please." I tell them, "Goodnight Mom, Goodnight Dad,"

I slowly walk towards my bedroom. I stop when I hear my mother's sweet voice. "She seems happy." She sighs, "Maybe he really has changed,"

I smile to myself. "Uh, I can hear you!"

"Goodnight Emma!!" My mother yells back.

I smile and shut the door behind me. Quickly I change my clothes for bed, not even bothering to take off my makeup. It's chilly outside, but all I have is a white silk nightgown to wear. Before I can get too cold, I climb into bed and wrap myself in the thick quilt. It's warm and soft like Killian's jacket had been when he let me wear it.

Tonight has been the best night I've had in a long time. The Pirate and the Princess, I think to myself. People will likely whisper things about me, but I don't care. That Pirate is the man I love. All this time I built up my walls, only for him to break them down and make me fall in love with him with every glance.

Emma Swan and Killian Jones... Emma Jones...

Wait, what!?

I need to clear my head. Maybe I'll go to the docks -- the only really quiet place in Storybrooke.

I climb out of bed and the cool air hits my silk-draped body. Bumps raise on my skin and I shiver. I grab my red leather jacket and pull it over my knee length nightgown. I shove my feet into my fuzzy slippers and head for the door. Just in case, I slip my gun into the inside pocket of my jacket. As I'm walking out the front door, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I look ridiculous. But what does it matter? No one will see me anyway.

The Pirate and the Princess (Book One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora