Chapter 35

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Emma's POV

My mother called me as Elsa and I first ventured into the forest. Regina examined Killian and determined that if we don't get the Snow queen to him by sunrise, he will be turned to ice. Permanently.

It takes every bit of effort I have to push away my fear and focus on Ingrid.

The bracelet leads Elsa and I on what seems like a wild-goose-chase. We come to a stone cliff and Elsa's arm drops. The bracelet stops glowing.

"What!? There's nothing here! That doesn't make sense!" I yell.

Elsa holds up her hands. "Wait,"

A blue flurry of ice and snow extends from her hands slowly. When it reaches the cliff, the rock starts to glow red. Elsa pushes harder. Behind the red glow, an icy cave reveals itself.

"Elsa, it's working!"

"Elsa?" A faint voice cries. "Elsa, is that you?"

Elsa's eyes widen as she continues to break down the wall. "Anna?! Anna, I'm coming!!" She pushes as hard as she can, and in seconds, the wall is gone. She takes off running into the darkness of the cave.

"Elsa wait!!"

I summon my courage and follow her. Through the darkness, there's a faint glow of a torch hanging on the wall. I can barely see Elsa, who is kneeling over a person. No, two people. She's shaking them to get them to wake up.

"Emma! Help me!" She cries.

"Is this her? Is this Anna?"

"Yes! And she isn't breathing! Neither is Kristoff!"

"Who's Kri-- Nevermind. Stand back."

I summon my power once more. I concentrate it on the girls chest. After a few moments of healing her, her stomach starts to move up and down again. I do the same to the man, though it takes a minute longer.

"Okay, Elsa. They're alive. I can do a protection spell so that they stay safe, but I need your help with Ingrid. If we don't get her back by sunrise..." I trail off.

She just nods, with tears in her eyes. I stand over the two people so I can cast my protection spell. With my magic, a border of white light forms around them.

"Let's go,"

Elsa and I take off, further into the darkness of the ice cave.

I shiver. "Holy crap, it's cold."

"It never bothered me much," Elsa tells me. Again.

"So I've heard."

We reach a large room filled with a blinding light that takes my eyes a few minutes to adjust to. Once the blurriness is gone, I can see how spectacular the room is. In the center, there is a grand couch with a huge coffee table. On one end of the room, there is an elegant looking mirror that gives a reflection of the entire space. Everything is pure white.

"Well how nice of you to join me," a familiar voice coos from behind me. Elsa and I both spin around. Behind us is nothing but the darkness of the cave. "Over here," she whispers from behind me once more. Again, I turn, and she's nowhere to be found.

"Alright, enough messing around!" I demand.

Suddenly, her mouth is inches from my ear. "Oh, alright."

I throw her back hard, with my mind.

"Emma... You really shouldn't be so rude to your sister."

I groan. "Shut up," I blast a wind of fire in her direction. She matches my magic with her ice, and they balance, evenly pushing back and forth. Elsa stands with me now, pushing her ice at Ingrid.

"You're outnumbered, Inrid!" Elsa yells over the crushing sounds of our magic. "Two to one!"

"No. Three." Another voice pipes in.

Across the room, Regina stands in the icy archway. A strong wind of black smoke materializes in her hands and is launched at Ingrid. Her eyes widen before she flies across the room, slamming into the cold wall.

"Regina! What are you doing here?" I grin gratefully at her.

"Thought you guys could need a hand," she laughs.

"Looks like you've done a pretty fine job," another voice says. I recognize that accent. Gold.

Ingrid cannot be more powerful than light magic, ice magic, the Evil Queen, and The Dark One. We will win. I will save Killian.

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