it makes people uncomfortable

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So, shipping real people.

We need to have a chat, folks.

Shipping two real life people isn't that okay, especially if you're going into their social media and commenting about it.
First, in most cases it will make said person uncomfortable. For example, when there were a bunch of Jack Dylan Grazer's fans going on his Instagram Live and spamming "FACK FACK FACK," (which if you dont know, is the ship between Jack Dyan Grazer and Finn Wolfhard.) He even told the people commenting it to please stop, because it was understandably getting annoying. He stated that he and Finn were good friends, and that he has more friends than just Finn. He's also said on multiple occasions that he's straight, and even if he's not, it's not okay to assume someones sexuality and constantly be making comments about it.
Another example is with Septiplier. I assume you all know what this is, so I wont bother explaining. Anyways, you've most likely seen or heard of the extent that this fandom goes to to prove that Septiplier is real and that they be fricking. There is a ton of pornographic art of these two for sure, and probably more smut stories. Sean and Mark have both talked about this, and it seems that only a portion of the Septiplier fandom stopped being hella creepy about it. Plus, they're both straight, and people have legit thought that they were really dating and trying to keep it a secret. Again, when someone says they're a certain sexuality, please dont try to make them gay or straight or bi or whateverthefuck.
Second, it can (and in some cases, has) ruined friendships that used to be strong. This happened in the Eddsworld fandom when the fandom was shipping the real friends in Eddsworld instead of their characters. This happened with Paul and Patryk, I believe. Apparently they were shipped so much, even though they were only featured in one episode, and the people shipping them would use their real last names, so you knew that they werent just shipping the characters. The real Paul and Patryk eventually broke up their friendship due to this.
And lastly, it's kinda creepy, ngl. I'm sorry if you ship real people together and take offense to this, but I'm still standing by it. I dont think that shipping real people with eachother should be done because it can easily make someone uncomfortable. Imagine this. If you, a real living person (like these people), saw that some random person you barely or didnt even know was posting things about you and someone you may or may not be friends with. Would that not make you the least bit uncomfortable? Then, at every interaction you had with your friend, this random person would be right behind you saying, "Proof! This is proof that you guys are dating! Omg!!"

When I was younger, I would get told I was really cute with my best friend, and I hated whenever that would happen. Granted, it went on from kindergarten to grade 6, so people (hopefully) didnt actually fantasize about us being together, but that doesnt change how I felt. Me and my friend would always sit together on the bus because we had assigned seats, and we were the only male/female assigned together. Me and my friend did begin to drift a bit to make people stop saying things about us, and guess what? It worked. We are still friends because everyone stopped telling us to date after grade 6, but not nearly as close as we used to be, and I miss that. A lot.

So, in conclusion, you shouldnt ship real people. It's okay to think that they could make a cute couple, but you have to know that that would 99% never happen. Yes, there are some very extreme people that go farther than what I've mentioned, and I know that there are a lot of people that arent trying to do any harm. If you want to discuss this topic with me, my DMs and the comments are open!

Thank you for reading, this has been a mental breakdown from yours truely, the consumer of milk.

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