Every Day Is A Surprise

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(Third Person)

  "Come on, we could be late!" Logan yelled to his best friend Virgil. They were headed to where they work. Virgil was behind Logan as they were half an hour early.

  "You worry too much Lo, just rest, It really helps". Logan slowed a bit, realizing the time and the distance from the place where they work. Virgil reached to rest a hand on his friend's shoulder but out his hand back down.

Logan has Haphephobia, he developed it when he was younger and doesn't talk about the reason much.

  He doesn't like touch, but he's built up a small resistance, enough for a handshake or a breif hug from Patton because, who can't resist a hug from Patton?

  Patton feels a bit guilty from the first hug he gave Logan. He didn't know and it caused him to have a slight panic attack.

  But anyways, they walk into the slightly crowded Starbucks and out on their uniforms. Logan always was at the register, he other person was always fun to talk to, his name was Ink.

(Most of ya probably heard of him)

  Logan heard about Ink's boyfriend being haphephobic like him but the only exception was Ink even though they didn't like each other at first. Ink was making drinks today though, and Virgil was in front with him while another co-worker of theirs, Laurence, was back there with Ink.

  "Can I have a Mocha with extra whipped cream and a bit more Hot Chocolate than coffee please?" The person at Logan's line asked. Logan asked if they wanted anything else and they answered, "A green tea and a Madeline please and thank you". The man gained a but of confidence as he spoke more.

Logan then rung up the total and asked him for the correct amount of money. The customer payed $5 too much for the order and Logan had a little plan for it.

The man was told to wait and Logan served the next person. When the green tea was ready, Logan clipped the $5 to the cup, making sure it didn't get moist and yelled out for him to get it.

                  ~{Time Skip}~

  When they got home, Logan took a walk to the park before his volunteer hours at the orphanage nearby. The kids there loved him even though he didn't like touch.

  He walks in and the kids cheer, yelling "Lolo!" And "Wogan!" Or "Lo!", All very happy to see him. Logan walked to the kitchen toy set and made sure everyone was there. He wasn't the only one there so he went to the back to get the extra plastic toys.

  He could've sworn he heard someone follow him out but not back in. He let it go quickly and started playing with the kids until he left. He went to tell Patton, Roman and Virgil what cute things they did today.

  "So apparently Geno, was getting adopted. But his friend, Reaper did not like that so he had to follow him out as he prayed he would meet him again, then again they both are like attached at the hip so probably they could" Logan explained.

Virgil had a question, "What about Bill?".

"He became best friends with Dipper and they couldn't be happier" Logan smiled as he answered the other's questions.

When Logan went to bed, he could not get two things out of his mind.

'Was there someone who followed me?'


'Why can't I get him out of my mind?'

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