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(just as a small reminder, Sophie = Oliver now)

(3rd Person)

  When they all came back, Logan was the one to share the news. Oliver looked happier than ever while Dee was grateful to see the happy looks on both of their faces.

  "Guys, I have to tell you something" All eyes were on Logan as he said these next few words.

  "I'm Transgender, I've made a lot of progress and now I can't believe I've gotten this far, if you can't accept that-" Logan was cut off by Remus,

  "-You can fuck off!". Logan, Janus and Oliver erupted with laughter as Roman was wondering where the hell Remus came from.

  "Anyways, any questions?" Logan asked after calming down. Roman rose his hand,

  "Where the hell did Remus come from?". Logan thought, trying to remember the day before.

  "Well he's been here since yesterday, I guess he went somewhere when you woke up" he finally said.

  Remus then mentioned, "I have a job, y'know. I just happen to work when you wake up".

  "Any other questions?" Logan asked. Nobody had any for him, but they all smiled to signal that they supported him.

  Oliver then pulled on Remus's sleeve, "What is your job?". Remus then thought about how to explain his job. It took him a bit but he finally answered.

  "I work at a club that helps LGBTQ+ individuals with their gender and sexuality," Remus paused, "I work as a pole dancer, but there's also a bar, talk boxes and a cuddle room".

(Legit made this up right now, idk what to do so here)

  "That's actually really cool" Roman smiled.

  "There's multiple entrances at the beginning, one to the bar, one to the talk boxes, one for the employees, one for the cuddle room and another to the dance room" Remus explained further.

  "Some areas have an age limit, and there are people monitoring everywhere making sure everything is fine," Remus further explained.

  "Anyways, what should we do today?" Patton asked. Janus then spoke up, "I can invite over two of my friends and we can play games".

  "That's sounds silly, but I'm in" Logan shrugged as Roman and Remus yelled in agreement, Others confirming their agreement quieter.

  "How about we go pick them up? In case we need extra clothes we can swing by our houses" Remus offered as Dee accepted.

  They then left, not coming back until an hour later and the kids fell asleep.

  "This is Picani and Remy! They brought some of their clothes too, let the hijinks ensue!" Remus introduced as they all walked through the door.

  "How about some Truth or Dare?" Roman offered as everyone accepted.

  "I'll start! Dee, Truth Or Dare?" Remus smirked as Janus thought. "I'll choose Dare" he replied.

  "Wear some of my clothes, and Roman gets to choose" Remus chuckled evilly, high fiving his twin. Janus and Roman went to the bathroom, when they came back Roman was basically dragging Janus to the living room.

  He was wearing a long sleeve rainbow shirt, a skin tight knee length leather skirt, and ankle boots with thin socks.

  "You guys are complete assholes" Janus pouted, "Anyways, Roman. Truth or Dare?".

  "Truth, I'm not feeling risky yet" Roman said.

  "Wimp, anyways, what are some of Oliver and Cam's freakier traits?" Janus asked.

  "Cam doesn't have a lot, only one I know. They sit in the middle of the room, doing something that doesn't show their reflection" Roman paused.

  "Oliver will sit in front of you as you sleep, get up at 4 AM and just play Animal Crossing in the dark, and stretch in the weirdest ways possible" Roman shivered in fear, weirdly.

  "Scared by a kid, are we?" Remus teased as Logan interupted, "You don't know the feeling of waking up to a child 3 inches away from your face. Oliver will even pick up Cam or Ocean sometimes".

  "Okay when you put it like that, it kinda sounds scary" Remus admitted.

  They continued on like that, everyone being dared and asked different things. The best dare had been when Remus had to prank call a police officer and the best truth was Patton having to give his honest opinions on who he thought was a top, bottom or switch.

  Then, they all eventually went to bed. Except Remy who had stayed up and eventually played Animal Crossing with Oliver once they were awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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