Training for Humanity

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2 years have passed since I joined the 104th trainee squad, I am now 14. The guys here are real stubborn with you the get to train with. I got teamed up with this one guy that wouldn't stop complaining about me being too easy of an opponent. I shut him up after a few spars together. Flipped him over when he tried to grab my wooden knife. Then tripped him over when that little shit tried to charge at me with the fake knife. Taught him one hell of a lesson. A few weeks before our grades came in with our training results, I saw these two somewhat-couple planning to get into the instructors desk and replace their bad grades with one of the top scores. Had to turn the little runts in about their 'bad behavior'. Though it wouldn't matter either way, the instructor was constantly in his room and the two were just a bunch of idiots that looked good together. After that I was named the 'Teacher's Pet" or something like that. I wasn't bothered by it, of course. It's just a stupid name that people take offense by, right? Either way, I didn't see myself as a 'pet' in anyway. I failed to not be too close to everybody. Isaac wouldn't stop pestering with me, I ended up telling him everything I went through in the process and turns out, he lived at the Shiganshina District. I never met him since his parents wouldn't let him outside or talk to anyone that wasn't in their family. After the titans broke through, Isaac and his parents were at their home cooking dinner when suddenly something smashed through their front door. It was a piece of the wall that the titan kicked through that day. Everyone was blocked and couldn't get through the front door and Isaac didn't have a back door for his house. A few more debris came flying onto their house and got caught on his mother's lower half. She was trapped and couldn't get out, her legs were crushed and Isaac's mother was barely holding onto her life. That's when Isaac's father smashed a chair through their window and tossed Isaac through it, His father didn't come with him, for he was busy trying to get his mother out even though it was no use. Nothing was getting any better. Since it was Isaac's first time coming outside of his house, he didn't know where to go, or what to do. Luckily one of his parents' friend saw him. They didn't have enough time to ask questions so she just picked the boy up and ran to where the boats were. On the boat she asked where his parents were and Isaac just replied with an eery expression saying that they were gone. After that, the woman became Isaac's guardian for two years. When the two years passed Isaac left home saying he would return as a new man that would be great help to humanity, being its new savior. When Isaac told me his story, I slowly made progress getting to know him better and finally became his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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