ii. my go to fonts

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i rarely stray from using the same fonts over and over. like if i find a good font that i like i tend to stick with it rather than straying and looking for a dozen more.

now sometimes i do go on font 'hunts' and download a dozen i will never use, so instead of doing that and saving my computer space i also think plays into why i just use the same ones over and over.

plus if it's not broke don't fix it right??

and all of these fonts are (mostly) popular ones on wp and i'm not all for popularity but they are for a reason: because they good and versatile and go with almost every kind of cover.

so below is a list of the all of the fonts i use.

if you guys would like more font suggestions like this let me know what kind of fonts you would like and i'll be sure to make more resource chapters like this!!!

i. FONTS!!

(the title of the fonts is below the song title)

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(the title of the fonts is below the song title)

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