Episode 1: Into the VRAINS

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She was sitting at her desk bored and intently staring into the screen of her monitor whilst she was twirling a strand of her hair, dark brown like the coffee contained within the mug she held in her left hand. This is our protagonist; a girl in her late teens of Hispanic origins with bright red eyes like rubies and her hair in the style of a mid-length bob with layers light and feathery in manner. Her brows pressed together in interest as the right ad had traversed her screen for her to divert her attention from her hair. Upon closer inspection of the screen she could read the words emblazoned. "Enter The VRAINS: Fulfill your Duel Monsters fantasies today with the brand new features of the updated version." Taking note of this she looks to her left at her deck and her VR headset, contemplating trying out Link VRAINS. Leaning back in her chair she sighs in contemplation.

· Theresa: "Might as well since I've been trying to get back into dueling anyways. Into the VRAINS it is."

She thus connects her headset to her computer and installs the update as she finishes her coffee and makes some final tweaks to the deck. Before long her computer gave a notification.

· Speaker: "Link VRAINS update completed. VRAINS now available for play."

Smirking out of nostalgia she straightens up her deck and picks up the headset; taking far too long and too dramatically of a descent to put it on. As her VR headset switches on she is jerked into a spiral of data and customization options as she forms her avatar. Then everything went black as her eyes forcibly closed. She was in the VRAINS, crouched on the ground and surrounded by the sounds of what she assumed was absolute fucking chaos. As she opened her eyes what greeted her sight met the expectations she had from what she heard. It was a turf war; further escalated by the appearance of titanic golem like creatures and an array of flamboyant fiendish actors.

· Theresa: "Well, isn't this a hell of a spawn point... Of all the-"

She was then swiftly pulled into the cover of some cement walls by a man who as of this moment could only be described as transparent while a volley of stones barrages the spot she had just been standing in a few seconds ago.

· ???: "Maybe try not to get caught in the crossfire. By the way, I'm Star."

· Theresa: "Thanks for the help. I'm Theresa but why exactly can't I see you?"

· Star: "Oh, sorry. Let me switch that off."

Finally, the man was visible to her. He was of fair height and dark complexion with short, messy black hair though he was dressed fairly strangely. He was wearing a white leather suit with dark grey lines running down the sides of his suit and odd pastel purple armor adorning his shoulders, forearms, and lower legs. Internally, she chuckled at his strange getup but nonetheless found the man to be of an endearing nature.

· Theresa: "That's a cool ability. How do you do that? And what's going on?"

· Star: "Okay, first off, thank you. Secondly, most players get their own abilities after getting a few achievements depending on the deck they run. And thirdly, we've been trying to stamp out the Rock Ragers since they've been harassing some other players."

· Theresa: "Rock Ragers? Who are they?"

· Star: "Well, they're a team. Are you new or something?"

· Theresa: "Yeah, haven't really been in VRAINS since the earlier version and even then I wasn't too active."

· Star: "Okay, well alot of us players divide ourselves into teams to relive the old days like when Team Satisfaction dominated Satellite in 5D's but it's more recreational than anything. That is right up until jerks like the Rock Ragers pop up."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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