~ Taller Than You ~

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Summary- Tall Virgil. That's all. Not a continuation of Tall Virgil.

Warnings: Crying, attempted robbery, mentions of insulting, getting injured, and some of the good ol' pain that Virge felt at the end of DWIT.

Patton had become overwhelmed by emotions due to some events that recently occurred.

So that's what lead to this.

Virgil was sitting with a curled up Patton in his lap, Patton's light blue, white, puppy and cat blanket wrapped around them. Virgil's arms wrapped around Patton protectively in a hug.

"Shh, calm down." Virgil sighed, rubbing Patton's arm in support. Patton hid his face in response.

After around half an hour, Roman walked into the room to find Virgil leaning against the wall, sleeping with Patton in his lap and both wrapped in the blanket still.

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"Virgil! Hey no fair!" Remus pouted after Virgil pulled him away from a fight with Roman.

"Yes fair. Now quit your whining and go play in your corner of the Imagination." Virgil let go of him in front of archway to the Imagination.

Remus huffed but went in anyways, his mace dragging on the ground behind him.

"Moron." Virgil sighed and rolled his eyes, turning back around as Remus warped the Imagination to his will. He didn't want to see that.

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"When I was your age," Roman began with a smirk, as he was older than Virgil.

"When I was your height," Virgil interrupted with his own smirk, holding back a laugh at Roman's surprised face.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Roman huffed, stomping his foot and crossing his arms.

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"Virgil, could you pass me the book that explains how cars work, it's on the top shelf." Logan asked, not looking up from the book he was currently reading.

"Sure." Virgil stood up, walking to the bookshelf and grabbing the requested book. "Hey, can I read this Harry Potter book you have?"

Logan nodded. "Yes. I assume you mean you want to borrow it to read and you weren't asking as in ability, so go ahead."

Virgil grabbed that book too before handing Logan his book and going back to the coffee table and couch to read Harry Potter.

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Deceit and Virgil were arguing distractedly. Virgil was on his phone and Deceit was reading a book as they threw insults and Virgil showed Deceit a meme or sixty, and Deceit shared a weird fact from the book, or fourty.

Now you may be wondering, how does Virgil being tall factor into this? Well, this is how.

Virgil finds a meme about tall people, Deceit laughs and makes fun of him. Deceit finds a fact about tall people, Virgil tests it and makes fun of Deceit when it's wrong or if works. Doesn't really matter which one.

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Thomas was walking home late at night, Logan and Virgil walking with him to cool his nerves.

Virgil was walking on the side closest to the road, Logan was in the middle and Thomas was walking right in front of a alley when someone grabbed him and pulled him in.

He yelped, stumbling onto the man's chest and felt a knife get placed to his neck. "I'd recommend staying quiet." The man growled, glaring at Virgil and Logan, who both looked pissed.

Thomas managed to keep his footing as the man walked backwards further into the alley. He held back a whimper as the knife rubbed against his neck and broke a thin layer of skin.

He blinked, and then he couldn't see Virgil. Logan was looking around quickly, so Thomas guessed that he didn't know where Virgil went either.

Then the knife dropped to the ground and Thomas was released, all with a loud thud not too far from Thomas's head and then another on the ground.

Thomas spun around to see what happened, suprised to see the man on the ground, not moving and breathing only slightly uneven. Virgil was standing next to the man, looking down at him and practically towering over him.

"He's... Unconscious." Thomas muttered, breathing growing uneven as he saw Virgil's dark look.

"V-Virge?" Thomas cursed himself for stuttering, feeling a little dizzy. "Vir-Virge what's wrong?"

Virgil blinked, shaking his head in an attempt to clear it up. "Thomas?" He mumbled, holding his head in one hand as he glanced at his host then the guy on the ground.

"I... Punched him." He said hesitantly, feeling the ache in his fist.

He looked back at Thomas, who wasn't breathing properly and had a tear stain on his cheek.

He was scared. Scared of him.

Virgil sunk out, leaving Thomas in the alleyway as Logan approached him to get him home and make sure his neck was alright.

Later that night when Thomas tried to summon Virgil, he didn't get a response. Only Patton showed up after that, helping Thomas get into bed and calming him down.

Sorry I guess.

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