~ Soft Logic ~

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Summary: Just some soft Logan ships. Because last night I realized how adorable Logan is when he's all loving.

Ships: Logicality, Analogical, Logince, Loceit & Intrulogical.

These are all in different timelines, Logan isn't dating everyone nor cheating.


"You know, eating all this sugar all the time isn't good for you, Love." Patton hummed in acknowledgement of what his boyfriend had said.

Logan wrapped his arms around Patton from behind, resting his chin of Patton's shoulder. "But that won't stop you, will it?" He muttered into Patton's ear.

Patton giggled and shook his head. "Hasn't stopped me before." He hummed as he finished mixing the cookie dough and added the chocolate chips.

Logan planted a kiss to Patton's jawline, causing the other to smile softly and turn around in Logan's hold.

"What's up, Starlight?" He asked gently, wrapping his arms around Logan's neck. "Why are you all lovey-dovey?"

Logan hummed, kissing Patton's cheekbone. "Nothings up, Angel. I just finished my work so I decided to come pay you some attention, is that so wrong?" He murmured into Patton's hair.

"Well no, but normally after you finish your work you're tired and exhausted. So what's happening?"

Logan chuckled. "I already told you, Angel, nothings wrong. Thomas is just not doing anything today, so I don't need to work today."

Patton hummed, using his arms to push Logan's head down to his level gently. "Whatever you say, Lo." He muttered before Logan kissed him.

Once they pulled back, Patton was blushing significantly. So he hid his face in Logan's chest.

Logan hummed a tune, running a hand through his angel's hair. He snapped his fingers, causing the cookie dough to get sent to the fridge and the other items to go to their respective locations.

"C'mon Angel, let's go." Logan lead Patton his his own room, looking around at the navy blue walls and bookshelf before sitting on the bed and leaning against the wall. Patton joined him, snuggling into his lap as Logan read him the next chapter of their book.



"Shh, it's alright." Logan murmured to the panicking Virgil in his lap. "Nothing can hurt you anymore. I'm here."

Virgil shook his head, not believing him.

"May I touch you?" Logan asked his boyfriend quietly, receiving a nod in response.

Logan wrapped his arms around Virgil gently. "Shh, it's okay. Nothings going to hurt you anymore." He told Virgil with certainty in his tone.

Virgil shook his head. "Is anything hurting you?" Logan asked him gently, receiving a hesitant shake of Virgil's head. "Can anything around your room hurt you?" Another shake of his head.

"So there's nothing to worry about. I'm here." Logan ran his hand through Virgil's hair. They sat in silence for about fifteen minutes, save a few sniffles from Virgil and some more comforting words from Logan.

"Thanks, Lo..." Virgil mumbled quietly.

"Anything for you, Sweetheart." Logan kissed his nose.



"I can show you the world," Roman sung as he lead Logan through the forest he'd created. The prince had convinced the teacher to come for an adventure (More like a walk with nice views) with him.

"Shining, shimmering, splendid." He hummed, taking Logan by the hand and leading him up a hill. "Tell me, Princess," He smirked slightly as Logan blushed at the name. "Now when did you last let your heart decide?"

Logan knew it was a rhetorical question, and rolled his eyes slightly. Roman was looking away so he couldn't see the small smile on his face. They were now approaching the top of the hill and Logan could faintly hear waves crashing nearby.

"I can open your eyes," Roman covered Logan's eyes. Logan frowned, trying to pull Roman's hands away but Roman insisted he let them stay. "Take you wonder by wonder," He sung as they reached the peak of the hill.

"Over, sideways and under on a magic carpet ride." Roman removed his hands, and Logan had to let his eyes adjust to the setting sun blazing in his eyes. Once he could see properly, he gasped at the sight of the sun setting over the horizon of the crystal sea.

"A whole new world," Roman sung, a little quieter as he took both of Logan's hands and begun slowly dancing with him. "A dazzling place I never knew,"

"But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear.." Roman leaned closer to Logan's face gently, their noses almost touching.

"That now I'm in a whole new world with you." Logan muttered quietly just before Roman connected their lips.



"Dee, would you stop antagonizing Virgil?" Logan murmured quietly after his boyfriend had wrapped him in a hug.

"That was Remus, It was me." Deceit huffed. "Why am I always the one that gets blamed?"

Logan turned around in the hug. "I'm sorry, Dee. Is there any way I can make it up to you?" He wrapped his arms around Deceit's waist.

"I can think of a few ways. How about we go read a book in your library?" Deceit had a mischievous look on his face.

"How about we read a book?" Logan suggested and Deceit pouted, the light shining off his scales slightly. "You're no fun." Deceit whined and Logan chuckled.

"You love me." Deceit booped his nose, and Logan's face scrunched up. Deceit laughed slight and lead Logan to the library. "What are we reading this time? Fiction or non-fiction?" Logan asked, to which Deceit shrugged.





Logan sighed as he felt arms and tentacles wrap around his torso. He was sitting in his office chair, doing some work. "Yes, Mus?" He asked, not looking away from his computer.

He heard a huff as two tentacles grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from his laptop. "What is it?" Logan tried again as Remus lifted him out of his chair.

"'M bored." Remus whined as he carried Logan bridal style out of the room. "And what do you want me to do?" Logan asked, wrapping his arms around Remus's neck to support himself.

"Cuddle me." Remus answered as he walked them into the room Remus and Roman shared. Roman and Virgil were asleep on Roman's bed.

"Ah, so you two were feeling lonely?" Logan guessed, but Remus shook his head. "Nope. I came in and saw them snuggling so I came and got you."

Logan sighed as Remus laid him down and cuddled him from behind. "You love me. Don't try to deny it." Remus hummed and laughed slight as Logan didn't disagree.

"I'm gonna take you on an adventure tomorrow." Remus told Logan, then proceeded to tell his boyfriend exactly what they'd do the next day on their adventure.

"And then you can go stargazing, because I know you love it." Remus finished, looking at Logan's face only to find that he'd fallen asleep. "Oh well, you'll like the surprise." Remus kissed Logan's nose and laughed quietly as his face scrunched up.

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