good mornings.

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there was just something about being in the embrace of someone you love when you wake up that absolutely warms brett's otherwise dead inside soul.

the view from brett's cocoon made him feel like he was in one of those cheesy romantic movies targeted at love-starved teenagers. gentle rays of sunlight seeped into the room through the blinds of the window, illuminating the bed which the two boys were cuddled into each other. eyes barely open, brett could feel the warmth radiating from eddy. he snuggled in closer towards the other boy's chest, inhaling eddy's familiar scent and relaxed. eddy also stirred a little in his sleep, his legs intertwining with brett's as he pulled brett closer out of sheer reflex. one arm cradling brett's head and neck, the other thrown around his hips, underneath his shirt. not long after, brett was lulled back into an easy slumber.

the next time brett awoke, it was to a familiar warmth on his lips. nothing too much - just a chaste, short kiss. he tried to stretch his arms, which was previously cramping in the curled position it had been in, and promptly hit eddy square in the face. in his defence, his eyes weren't open yet.

"well good morning to you too, sleeping beauty." he loved the way eddy sounded in the morning, his voice like a raspy, deep timbre. brett let his lips curl into a small smile.

"time to wake up, my dear." eddy sounded a little more insistent now, and gave the currently snoozing boy in his arms a small shake. he smiled fondly at brett, head still buried in his chest, his floof of hair just shy of eddy's face. as much as brett was difficult to wake, eddy loved waking up to mornings like these, just him and brett, nothing else.

"..mmmm don't wannaaaa." brett was never a fan of mornings. when he felt eddy inch away, presumably to get up, he'd made grabby hands in random directions, hopefully trying to catch onto the taller boy's shirt.

"eddy dont goooo....." brett whined and opened his eyes, taking in the room that was half-lit by the offending sunlight. he sat up and rubbed his eyes. without his glasses, he was unable to see clearly, but he could identify the blur image of the lanky boy standing at the foot of the bed. he'd heard a familiar chuckle and a quiet mumble of "so cute".

"dont wanna." brett protested as he moved forward to eddy. before eddy knew what had happened, brett lifted his shirt and shoved his face under it, burying himself into eddy's stomach instead, his arms and legs curling around the other's waist and thigh. eddy sighed, brett was basically a koala. one that he could never resist.

so eddy did what he always did. he got brett's head out of his shirt, and lifted brett up by the thighs. he could already feel the smaller boy pouting at the crook of his neck as he maneuvered the two of them to their toilet, placing him on whatever surface was available near the sink. wetting a face towel with some warm water, he carefully cleaned brett's face, then unceremoniously shoved his toothbrush into his hand. it was then brett yawned, stretched a little more, and started brushing his teeth.

"you're the best, eddy." he blubbered with the toothpaste in his mouth.

"and to think you're the older one here" eddy easily countered as he started to also brush his teeth. from eddy's peripheral view, he could only see brett roll his eyes before moving forward to give him a quick peck on the cheek.

"hey!" eddy protested, trying to wipe off the patch of toothpaste bubbles on his cheek as brett tried to stifle his laughter while he rinsed his mouth. eddy rinsed immediately the moment brett was done, and made sure no toothpaste was left on his face, before quickly turning behind to an unsuspecting brett and sprinkled water on his face, getting his well-deserved revenge.

and just like that, it was as if they had time travelled back to the days when they were young boys having their first sleepover again, as they played with water and begun a tickle fight.

some things never change. 

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