shut up and dance.

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A/N: its the au no one asked for, the figure skating au! and no prizes for guessing what song inspired this episode of twoset on ice but im in SO DEEP. also you are advised to start the song after "but he'd rather take ye ole classical music any day, thank you very much." i tried very hard and there is no beta read cause i'll just die of exhaustion instead :) thanks for reading <3 


brett could only watch in awe as eddy did another flawless triple flip in the centre.

this was his warmup???

he could only zone out and fall into some sort of mini depression at the boards. he was just a dime-a-dozen figure skater.

how could he call himself an Olympian when the man in front of him just did a triple flip as a warm up?

then again, this man had also literally dropped his god-level career to coach him, so brett doesn't know exactly how to feel about his whole situation.

his self-deprecating reverie was broken when a bunch of kids who obviously didn't know how to skate fumbled past him to get to the board that he was clearly blocking. he should probably move to the center, but he was there and he clearly owned it. to brett, it was a crappy idea to try and even practice during public skating time because of all the people. to be bloody frickin honest, he sucked. and he didn't want to accidentally slash anyone in the face.

"bretty." eddy put special emphasis and drew out the 'y' that clearly didn't exist in his first name. "you should be practicing." eddy mock-chided, skating behind him and pushing him by his shoulders to the centre of the rink.

brett lazily did a few things - elements he definitely shouldn't suck at. some familiar step sequences, spins, and a casual double axel that he definitely did not under-rotate on. well, that was embarrassing. eddy definitely noticed. judging from the way eddy shook his head, brett had shit coming for him.

"wanna try that 2A again? focus all your power into generating height first, then tighten your rotation."

even though the criticism was gentle, brett still died a little on the inside, shame bubbling on the inside. it's only a damn double axel, get your shit together, brett yang. he did a few crossovers lazily around the ice, trying to relax and waiting for the crowd along the sides to thin out a little. not that i would be jumping that far, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. his figure skating career didn't exactly pay for much. mind focused on the trajectory of the jump, he saw his chance and took it - up, tighten, and check this bitch out. not forgetting to land softly, and glided backwards toward where eddy stood, looking to him for his approval.

"a few more double axels for warmups won't hurt, then work on your triples next - edge jumps only." of course it'll always be the edges that screwed him over.

moving over to the other side of the rink to give eddy space to practice, he focused on getting the edges right for each jump. with eddy around, nobody will look at me anyway. i'll be fine. to hell with social anxiety. single salchow. single loop. single axel. easy. now to increase the rotations. he tried a few more double axels, just to make sure he still got it. definitely ignoring the stares. then the real grind begins. salchows were always more natural to him than loops, so it wasn't surprising when he got stuck at triple loops, after performing a fair amount of satisfactory textbook triple salchows. still definitely ignoring the stares. he just couldn't check the damn jump out without stumbling.

will his resolve or his 7 ankle bones crumble first? stay tuned to find out.

after the probably 9th failed loop, eddy stopped him. "you're starting the jump too stiff, my dear." eddy ruffled his hair, tucking a strand behind his ear, "are you okay? is it the people around?" brett could feel his cheeks redden. this was the first time eddy behaved so intimately with him in public and he honestly doesn't know how to feel, considering he had to deal with the confusion that came with this intimacy when they were alone. brett nodded quickly, noticing his delayed response, and supplemented an "it's okay i'll deal". eddy crossed his arms with a stubborn big-boy pout, "no it's not okay." delivering every word in a childlike fashion. it was about 7 seconds (yes, brett counted), before his eyes widened in delight, complete with anime sparkly effects.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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