Chapter 3

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Just a few hours ago, Gerards life was close to being perfect. He just got his band back together and was more than excited for the reunion show, wondering how many minutes it would take for it to be sold out. But now, nothing was like before. His life was nothing but broken pieces that can't be put back together. He lost his little brother and life seemed pointless to him.

Ray asked „Who of you wrote this? It must be one of you guys because it wasn’t me! But whoever wrote this knows Gee Very well so either he was it himself or it was Mikey or Frank!“

Ray said this because After they announced the Reunion Show, Gerard really wondered how long it would take until it was sold out and his excitement grew with every second that gets closer to december 20th.

Gerard said: „it‘s getting even more accurate because life really would be pointless without Mikey!“ Mikey answered „And i like The description broken pieces that can’t be put back together!“ Gerard added „and it's so accurate! I need you Mikey!“

Still crying his eyes out, he called Frank. He needs someone here before completely losing his mind. But before doing so, he yelled at his phone again, louder and Angrier than ever before „you Killed my Mikey! Have you little piece of hell finally had enough! I fucking hate you" and then he called Frank. Frank and him were best friends ever since he joined The Band back in 2002. Now he hoped for him to bring him comfort at least for just a few seconds.

Frank looked at Gerard in awe „Oh Gee, the first thing you do After losing Mikey is calling me!“

Before Gerard Could react to Frank, Mikey interupted them „can we just take a moment to appreciate how Gee yells at his phone again, blaming it for killing me!“

„Little piece of hell! The perfect description for a murdering haunted phone" Gerard said agreeing to Mikey.

„Hey Gee, what’s up?“ Frank asked. „please come here! I really need you!“ he asked him. Frank noticed his broken voice, that he always had when crying or at least fighting the tears. Frank loved when he sang with this pained voice in the early Songs. This singing was nothing but pure, raw emotion. Like as they recorded Early Sunsets over Monroeville. This raw emotion Made everyone cry. Also the desert Song. A Song, written in one of the darkest chapters of Gerards life. But now Gerards voice is just scaring him. It sounded much worse as in those songs. This Time it sounded just like a broken man with a Last cry for help.

„Oh my god! That comparision of your broken voice to The old Songs! That’s fucking amazing! That raw Emotion! I would freak out if you call me like that Gee!“ Frank told Gerard.

„Who knows, maybe you do freak out, Frankie! Ray knows how easily you get worried about me and since he probably wrote this…“ Gerard winked at Ray while saying this to Frank.
„Wait…broken man…last cry for help…Gee! You’re not going to follow me, are you?“ Mikey asked his brother.

„I don’t Think i will…at least not now. It's just chapter 3 of 7 i believe i will stay alive" Gerard answered.

„Oh god Gee! What happened to you? You're sounding horrible!“ Frank asked him, not knowing that his life is going to fall apart as well. „please just come here if you ever want to see me alive again“ Frank was close to freak out, as he heard those words from Gerard. „Shall i Try to get Mikey to come too? Maybe he picks up this Time.“ Frank asked. He meant it good with him. He thought that Mikey, as his little brother, could help more than himself. It was easy to figure out that Gerard lost his will to live. But Mikey has always been Gerards reason to stay strong. Gerard always tried to stay strong to be there for Mikey. Like typical older brothers he’s always been protective over him. Frank didn't know about Mikeys fate so he couldn’t know that he‘s making everything worse just by mentioning Mikeys Name.

„Wow! I really freaked out just like i would really do if i hear you like this over The phone!“ Frank told Gerard.

„Frankie! I just died and you mention my Name towards Gerard! Stop hurting my brother or i will hurt you! This is still my job!“ Mikey warnend Frank.

„Come on, Mikey! I don’t know a thing about what happened to you! I still Think you’re alive so i wanted to help Gee! Maybe he Could’ve called me because he feels guilty for The fight!“ Frank tried to defend himself.

„Frankie and Mikey! Come on! No fighting please! You can see in The Story what a fight can cause!“ Gerard told them.

„We're not fighting“ They both said, looking at Gerard like puppies.

„Come!“ was The only word, Gerard brought out before ending The call, leaving Frank with great fear of what's to come. He came as fast he could so he arrived just a few minutes after the call ended. He came in with the key, Gerard gave him for emergencys. Apart from Frank, only his family, including Mikey, had a key to his house. Now, Frank was so scared that he didn’t even know if he's going to find his Friend alive. Therefore he saw this as an emergency and used the key.

„Erm…“ Frank had a Hand in his pocket as if he were looking for something in it. Just a few seconds later he Found what he was looking for and Got it out. It was his keys. He grabbed one of them, that looked a bit different from The others. It was The one to Gerards house. For emergencys, Gerard had given him and Mikey one as he moved in there. „Is this coincidence?“ Frank asked.

„I don’t Think so. I still Think one of us, maybe Gerard himself, wrote this" Ray commented.

Mikey rolled his eyes „Ray… you keep suspecting everyone. That makes you look like you just want to distract us from The fact that it was you! But now let's continue reading, i want to know if Gee is ok! He just lost me so anything is possible!“

Frank saw Gerard sitting on The floor, burying bis face in his hands and crying. He hugged him „hey i'm here now! what's up?“ Gerard hugged Frank back. He was glad he came so quickly. „Mikey" was all he said to Frank. Hearing this, left Frank in shock. „Did something happen to him?“ He asked.

„Phew…as long as he‘s crying, we don’t have to freak out!“ Mikey stated, relieved.

„Mikey…You’re gone so i'm pretty far from ok and now i have to tell Frank!“ Gerard commented Mikeys words.

„Mikey is dead, and everything is my fault!“ Gerard didn’t even let Frank react and continued telling him what happened. This time Gerard told him The full Story, including The fight he actually wanted to keep a secret between himself and his brother.

„It's not your fault, Gee! It was an accident so it was noone's fault!“ Frank told Gerard.

„Somehow it‘s also Mikey's fault because he was The one driving while being stressed!“ Ray commented.

„If that accident was meant to happen then it would’ve happened even without The fight! Maybe someone else would’ve caused it then.“ Frank replied to Ray.

„Let's just agree on it being Gee‘s fault because i want to see myself as a ghost taking revenge!“ Mikey interrupted them.

The news about Mikeys death hit Frank hardly, but he tried to hold back The tears to Not make Gerard even worse than he already does. He tried to calm him down, even though he himself is shocked and heartbroken to hear about Mikeys sudden death. „Don't say that Gee, it's not your fault!“ Gerard yelled at Frank „It is! I fucking Killed him! I told him horrible things and it Made him Kill himself! i'm The worst brother ever!“

„Gee, you may be The worst brother ever but you didn’t make me Kill myself because i didn’t Kill myself, it was an accident but those cops spread another Story because you told them about The fight!“ Mikey grinned at Gerard while saying this. „And you Frankie, stop hiding your feelings it'll only make you feel worse.“

„But Gee would call himself a Bad Friend for making me cry!“ Frank defended his behavoir.

Suddenly The door bell rang. „Who the fuck is that i don’t want to see anyone! I just want my Mikey back!“ Gerard screamed. Frank opened The door. It was Ray, looking quite upset. He just stormed inside, right to Gerard, without telling Frank anything. „Gee! The whole Internet is full of News that Mikey commited suicide! It must be some sick Hoax again. I wanted to tell him but he doesn’t pick up The phone so i thought maybe you can Talk to him. He will get really mad when he sees that!“

„Ray… guess why i’m not picking up The phone!“ Mikey told Ray.

„Because you’re dead…i Know that, you told us all!“ Ray answerd to him, rolling his eyes.

Frank started laughing all of a sudden „Gee! That takes me right back to 2008! The rumor that you died in a car crash! And your answer in that voice message to The fans „I heard i died in a car Crash, i didn’t!“

Gerard started laughing too „I'm as used to dying as Mikey! Mikey in stories and music Videos and i in hoaxes! It doesn’t shock me anymore and i don’t even know when i died The first Time!“

Mikey pouted „When does my ghost finally appear! I want to see myself as a ghost!“

Gerard informed him, still crying „that’s no Hoax!“ Ray got worried as he heard about it. Ray was deeply saddened by this but he knows how Mikey and Gerard were inserperable all their lives. „Are you ok Gee?“ he asked „No i'm Not but don’t worry! Frank is here so nothing will happen to me. You can go home.“ „If you need anything you can call me any time!“ Ray told him before turning to Frank. „And you Frank please make sure he doesn’t lose his mind!“ With these words he went away again.

„Yeah Frank, make sure he doesn’t lose his mind! Protect him from The ghost of his brother if needed! And if it gets anyone of you Killed i'll be sitting at your graves, still telling you off even if It's The Last thing i'll do!“ Ray told Frank.

Everyone was clapping. Mikey noticed „Wow! Ray said something without suspecting us of writing this! A miracle!“

„Well, i will find out Who of you wrote that and then i will take revenge!“ Ray muttered.

Frank stayed with Gerard all the time and he even stayed over night to not leave him alone. The next morning Frank made coffee for both of them, but they couldn’t even think about eating anything. Normally Gerard really loves coffee but this time he just stares inside the mug. They were sitting at the table in the kitchen. In the middle of the table is the local newspaper that Frank got in and put there. They didn’t even want to look at it. On The first page is a big photo of Mikey in black and white, with the headline „Mikey Way dead shortly before MCR reunion."

„Aww Frankie, how you stay with me all The time, how did i Deserve this?“ Gerard asked.

„I love you and want you to be ok, Gee" Frank answered smiling at him.
„Oh, a newspaper! Wouldn’t it be great if i tear it apart or something like that? Please let me be a ghost!“ Mikey interupted them.

„Yes Mikey! Get this piece of shit out of our sights!“ Frank said, agreeing to what Mikey said.

„First of all Gee, Drink your fucking Coffee! Coffee is far to precious to be wasted!“ Mikey told Gerard.

„But Mikey, i lost you nothing matters to me anymore!“ Gerard tried to defend himself.

Gerard was still starring into his coffee. Even seeing Mikeys picture was enough for him to start crying again and the tears were falling into his, still untouched, Cup of Coffee.

„Gerard Arthur Way! it's enough! You're literally crying into your Coffee instead of drinking it? What have i told you about wasting Coffee?“
Mikey shouted at his older brother.

„But Mikey…“ Gerard tried to say something but Mikey interupted him.

„No but! Coffee is too precious to be cried into!“

„Mikey, you’re too precious to just die…“

„No Fight please! Look what’s happening when you guys fight!“ Frank appealed to them.

„Gee, you make me worried! Normally you'd be at your second Cup already but now you didn’t even touch your first one!“

„That’s really a Matter of worrying! Gee! I need you to be ok!“ Frank commented his words of The Story.
„Gee refusing his Coffee? Is this even possible?“ Ray asked.

„Anything is possible without my Mikey!“ Gerard answered to him.

„So, Who wrote it? Who Made Gee refuse his Coffee? You’re killing him!“ Ray asked, still convinced someone of his bandmates wrote this.

„i'm sorry Frankie but i just need my Mikey back. I need a Chance to at least say sorry to him but now he died thinking he was unwanted but i fucking need him!“

Mikey pouted „I wanted to be a ghost!“

„Come on Mikey, That Story is 7 Chapters long and i don’t Think there will be 4 more chapters of me crying over you! Something must happen! Also The Story is called The Ghost Of You so it must contain a ghost!“ Gerard tried to calm Mikey Down.

„Yeah! The ghost in your phone can’t be The only ghost of The Story!“ Frank agreed to what Gerard said.

Suddenly Gerards Cup of Coffee fell and The Coffee was spilled right on Gerards pants.

„Yes! Please let this be my ghost!“ Mikey said happily.

„Mikey…Coffee is too precious to be wasted! They were your words why are you doing this then?“ Gerard asked.

„You already wasted it with crying into it! Spilling it on my Brothers pants is fun!“ Mikey replied.

„But doesn’t it hurt?“ Frank asked, worried about Gerard as always.

„No, it's probably Cold already!“ Mikey commented.

„Oh Gee, what have you done now?“ Frank asked him with a concerned Sound in his voice but Gerard just replied with „that wasn’t me, i didn’t even touch The Cup!“

„Frankie, of course Gee didn’t touch The Cup! My invisible hands touched The Cup!“ Mikey told Frank, still happy about The fact that he might actually be back as a ghost.

„Please have mercy on Gee! He really is sorry“ Frank begged Mikey.

„Please let The newspaper be next" Mikey said.

„Mikey, you’re a ghost now so we can forgive each other now!“ Gerard said to him.

„No! Revenge is more fun!“ Mikey said laughing.

„Guys! Let's continue reading i want to know if Mikey really is back and what he's up to next.“ Ray interrupted them.

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