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2002.01.26, somewhere in gwangju

"Today is a special day." the childs dad chuckled while running his fingers through the boys hair.
"Yes daddy." The child (who is no other than young changkyun) is focused on the reflection of his dad in the mirror. He's shaking, he knows what coming next. And he doesn't want it.
"Today is your 6th birthday and the day you're becoming a real man. You must be pretty for all people waiting for you in the living room, you know that, right?"
"Yes daddy." Changkyun stopped breathing as he felt his dads cold hand sliding into his pants. The child wants to run away but instead his dad grabs him and presses him against the mattress of his new bed.
"Before they get a piece of you, it is my turn, kyunkyun." Changkyun shut his eyes as his dad pulled down his pants forcing his dick inside the boys small body. Changkyun wanted to cry so bad, but, nobody would save him anyway.

2019.01.26, sanatorium seoul

"We're all a bit different here."
"That's not a problem, sir! I'm also a bit different.. if you know what I mean." The black haired guy chuckles while his 'boss' gives him a look.
"Mr. Lee." He stopped and turned around, pressing his papers against his chest,"it's not a joke being here. It's also not a joke being a social worker here. Why do you think we have like three nurses and like two therapists. They don't want to work here."
"Yeah, but, look. It's actually very pretty here. Big windows, a garden, a big cafeteria. Beside the bars behind the windows.. it pretty much looks like the place I used to study at. Woah, good old times." Minhyuk got snapped back in reality as soon as his boss pressed the papers in his hands.
"This is Changkyun. He's in the room right there. Please take care of him first. Then tell me if you want to keep on working here." My boss pointed at the door next to me.
"Okay sir, but.. what if I die?" The black haired guy asked jokingly.
"We won't pay for your funeral." His boss opened the door to push Minhyuk inside the dark room. Closing the door behind him.

Suddenly the lights turned on and Minhyuk could spot a slender boy with blonde hair in front of him. His back turned at Minhyuk but he could see the boy staring at him through the broken mirror in front of him.
"Hey." Minhyuk put on a smile and walked towards the boy, "I'm Minhyuk. The new social worker here. My job is to make you laugh, what about you? I heard that your name ist Changkyun. Cute name."
Changkyun's head turned in Minhyuk's direction and Minhyuk could feel his blood freezing in his veins. Minhyuk took a tiny step backwards as Changkyun opened his mouth. His deep yet sexy voice gave Minhyuk goosebumps.

"Am I pretty enough to be your slave?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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