"She needs a little something... or someone"

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It had been a little over a week since the "incident" and you stomach almost had fully recovered.

Throughout all of this time, you had missed school, but you made sure to fake a doctors note so you wouldn't get in trouble with your principal.

Since your stomach was healing with the help of taehyung, you had to get the stitches cut out so your wound can fully heal.

Taehyung literally forced you to stay at his house for the entire week, you only went back to your house to get some necessities.

Taehyung didn't really have any drug deals to go to because of what happened, Chino wanted to make sure his team was safe.

So there you sat, on taehyung's bed, in his shirt, waiting for him to come back from the bathroom.

You heard the door open and looked in his direction, taehyung sweetly smiling at you.

"I've got the medical supplies" He said, flopping onto the bed, causing the mattress to move and you to place your hands at your sides to balance yourself.

You left taehyung's eyes to meet what he had in his hand.

Medical scissors, tweezers, bandaids, ointment, medical tape, and a red lollipop.

You smile at him falsely, nervous to get your stitches cut out.

Taehyung chuckled, obviously picking up on your nervousness.

He cupped your neck and pulled you in for a passionate kiss, putting your nerves at ease.

You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly as his lips bumped against yours.

He pulled away slowly and you your eyes automatically fluttered open, looking taehyung straight in the eyes.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be as gentle as possible."

You nodded your head, sucking in enough fill your lungs.

His hands went to softly cup your waist, gently pushing you on your back.

Your head the pillow that taehyung had set below with a small thump and you looked down to see taehyung at the edge of the bed, preparing what he needed to cut your stitches out.

You let out a shaky breath as taehyung slowly inched towards you, medical scissors in hand.

He slowed lifted "your" shirt, exposing your entire stomach.

Taehyung quickly leaned up to give a quick peck on your lips to ease your nerves.

He places the scissors under the first loop of the stitch.

Taehyung quickly snipped the stitch and you almost completely jerk your body away from him.

He continues to cut at your stitches, earning a groan from you every couple of minutes.

A pain wrenching while later, taehyung is done and is carefully placing an oversized bandaid on your stomach.

Hearing him heavily sigh, you slowly sit up after he pulls your shirt back down.

He plopped onto the side of he bed, carelessly running a hand through his hair.

You hug him from behind, noticing the sudden change in his mood.

"What's wrong?" You asked, hands reaching to connect with his from behind.

He shook his head, leaning back into your touch as you wrapped you legs around his waist, pulling him back a bit.

"This is all my fault." Taehyung says rather quietly, and your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What's is?" You asked, keeping you hands tightly clasped around his.

"It was my fault you got shot, it should have been me, not you." He speaks up.

He turns around to face you.

He burrows his head into your chest, and you immediately wrap your arms around his shoulders, trying your best to console him.

"Things could have gotten worse, you could have died, and would not have been able to do anything about it. If I hadn't asked you to come to the stupid meeting with me, none of this would have happened. You would still be healthy, and the attack probably wouldn't have happened." Taehyung sighs out, and you can feel his tears seeping the shirt you were wearing, slightly dampening your shoulder.

He sobbed uncontrollably, Tightly grasping onto the hem of your shirt.

Taehyung's breathing unevened, and he was gasping between sobs, making you feel horrible about his current state.

Soothingly rubbing your hands on his back you let him cry his heart out before interrupting him.

"It's not your fault taehyungie. Things happen for a reason, and none of this happened because of you. The attack would have happened whether you asked me to go or not, because that's the way life was planned. This was meant t teach us a valueble lesson about expecting the unexpected. Instead of dwelling over the past, plan for the future so history doesn't repeat itself." You finished, feeling slightly proud of yourself since you were very good at comforting people.

Taehyung had long stopped crying, his breathing evened back out and his were no longer holding the end of your shirt.

Silence radiated from him, and you were worried your heartfelt speech was enough to make him feel better.

That is, until, you hear a quiet snore coming from him.

Giggling silently, you push back the hair out of his face, admiring his beauty.

His mouth slightly open, cheeks still damp from he tears to that stained them a couple of minutes ago.

His nose was red and his eyes were slightly puffy, but he still looked amazing to you.

You turn around on the bed slowly, taehyung still clinging to you like a koala, and gently pushed his shoulders back, prying him off of you.

His heads fall onto the pillow, and you lay beside, him, smiling contently.

Still asleep, he pulls you closer and entangles his legs with yours, falling into a deep slumber.

Double updaaattttteee! Oh yeah im on fire🔥🔥

Lol😂 jk but decided to update again as a gift for not updating as much

Anyways, have a nice day/night!

Heavily unedited


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