Chapter.1 unwanted guest

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I'm a single child and my parents give me whatever I want most of the time. What more could I ask for? maybe a letter for my jersey would be nice.
"If any of you think you actually deserve this letter then you are very mistaken" coach yells at us. "Not a single one of you have shown any leader ship and responsibility this year and it's taken a toll on our performance in games" he continues on. We all sat there and looked down at our feet. We knew we were being dumb assess but we were just being teen boys. "So whose gonna get the C then?" I ask and coach shakes his head. "None of you at this moment, not until I see that you have all grown up and can be leaders" he reply's and shakes his head. I knew we weren't exactly the ideal team but coach was ripping us apart today. "Get changed and go to school this conversation is over" he says and leaves the change room with the jerseys. That jersey with the perfect C was made for me and it was only a matter of time before it was given to me. "Coach is being a dick" Cody says and I nod in agreement. "I mean I get that we aren't doing that great in games but not giving out the letters is honestly too extreme of a punishment" Myles says slouching on the bench. "Don't worry about it I'll convince him" I say with a smirk.

We walked into the school and got a few looks by some girls which isn't a new thing for me. I knew deep down that I was a fuck boy to everyone but I never made an effort to change, it just wasn't a priority. A lot of girls would snap me and tell me I'm attractive so it wasn't that surprising when I got a few stares. "How's it going with that brook girl?" My friend and teammate Sanders asks. I laugh and he gives me a questioned look "me and brook aren't talking anymore I cut her off. I need a better option" I say and he shrugs his shoulder and chuckles "your such a dick" he jokes and I smirk. "Not my fault they all go after me" I say, referring to all the girls who hit me up.

I went to my class and sat next to the girl I had to sit next to. She looks at me and then quickly looks away. I guess not all the girls want me. Especially this one. The teacher talked for awhile until she told us to do the homework she put on the board. I was pretty lost because socials wasn't exactly a skill of mine. I looked at the girls page and she was already half way through. "Uh, could you help me with the work I don't really get it?" I say and she looks at me and completely ignores me. "So your just going to ignore me now?" I ask and she doesn't respond so I slump back in my chair and sigh to annoy her. I guess I should mention that the two of us actually had history. As in we used to be closer then friends, not that we are friends at all right now. We talked and I wanted to go further then just a usual make out. At a party we got into a huge argument over it and I ended up making a huge mistake and kissed another girl. She saw and I broke her. Her names Cora and she surprisingly was the only girl who actually understood me. But I fucked it up and didn't feel like trying to fix things cause I'm a dick. She knew that and that's why she was ignoring me. I guess I could see why she was so mad but it was awhile ago so she should be over it. "Can you please just help me understand this work so I can finish it?" I ask again and she looks at me with such a disgusted look that it kinda caught me off guard. "Look what the hell do you want me to do to fix whatever it is your so mad at Cora?" I say and throw my arms up in practically defeat. "You don't get to fix things Travis, okay you don't get to fix I fucking thing anymore. you said goodbye to me when you even had the thought to kiss her" she says and I honestly become speechless. I knew she was mad but I didn't expect her to get that mad. "Cora I'm" she shakes her head and cuts me off "fuck your apology Travis I don't want shit from you anymore and the fact you haven't realized that is just sad for you" she says and gets up grabs her stuff and walks out of the class without another word. I really broke that girl and for once i feel like a shit person because of it.

I went home and went straight to my room without a word to my parents. I didn't want to admit it but Cora actually got to me today. It's been months since we talked and I really hadn't realized she was that mad all that time. I was dead to her and that messed me up. There was a knock on my door and I sat up as my mom walked in. "Hey Travis why didn't you say hi when you walked in?" She asks and I shrug "just had a long day I guess" I reply and lay back down. "Well I just want to remind you that me and your dad are leaving tomorrow for our trip" she says and I nod silently "I'm making dinner and I'll call you when it's ready" she says before leaving my room. My parents leaving meant I could have a party and that was pretty much all I needed right about now.

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