Chapter.2 Bigger mess

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We were driving back to my house when she suddenly started crying. "No, no, no. Don't start crying you've been so quiet" I say but my words make no difference. She begins to cry harder and I hit my head on the back of the seat. "Uh, come on what do you want. stop crying please. Are you hungry or something?" I say and and she suddenly stops. I look at her and she wipes a tear away and nods. "Your hungry?" I ask and she nods again. "Okay fine, I'll get you something as long as you don't cry again" I tell her and she nods in response.

I pulled into the McDonalds drive thru and got her chicken nuggets. When the guy gave them to me I handed them to her and she smiles again. "Okay now the deal was no more crying, got that?" I say and she ignores me and starts eating. I drove back home and when we got there she was already finished them. "How'd you eat that fast?" I say looking at the tiny girl. She was acting as if she hadn't eaten anything in months. I watched her drop the box on the ground and I cringed. "Are you kidding, do not put garbage on the floor. This car is worth more then you can ever imagine" I snap and jump out of the car and open the passenger door. I pick up her garbage and look at her. She had sadness in her eyes and I noticed she spilt stuff on her dress. I groan and roll my head back and look at the sky. "Why the hell did you do this to me god?" I mumble and the girl starts to get out of the car. I grab all of the garbage and close the door behind the tiny girl. "You better not cry again I mean it" I tell her again but she keeps stumbling over towards the door. I open it and she wanders in without a sound. my phone rings and I quickly take it out of my pocket, praying it's my parents. But it wasn't. I shut the door and answer it. "Hey bud wanna come practice with me and the boy's later tonight, we wanna make sure we do good in our next game so coach gives us the letters" I hear Sanders say right as I answer. "Uhh..I" I look over at the girl and see she's token down a photo from off one of the shelves in the living room. I run over and take it from her quietly and place it back on the shelf. "I would but I'm kinda...sick at the moment" I lie to him and he stays quiet for a second. "Travis sick? That's new, your never sick" he says and I shut my eyes and rub my forehead. The one time I lie to my friends and it's already coming off as a lie. "Look I'd really like to come but I'm just not up to it today" I say trying to get him to take a hint. I can't possibly tell him about the little girl. I'd look like a complete idiot and they'd call me soft and shit. "Alright well I guess I'll talk to you later" he finally says and I let out a sigh of relief by accident and hold my breath hoping he didn't pick up on it. "Yeah okay bye bud" I say and quickly hang up. I look at the girl who was now sitting on the coach and watching me. "Don't look at me like that, this is your fault" I say and sit down on a chair. I only had this girl for half a day and I already couldn't handle it. If this phone call took any longer I would most likely lose my sanity.

It was now later that night and I had remembered that I had an essay to do. I turned on the tv for the little girl so she would let me do my homework in peace. I had been chasing her around the house making sure she wasn't breaking anything all day and this was the first time I could sit down and not worry. I got bored of doing the essay and noticed the package that the women at the police station gave me on the counter. I grabbed it and started to read through it. The first thing that caught my eye was the foster care title in bold font. It told me that when I got the call I would be able to take her too the station and they would transfer her to the house where she would wait for a temporary family to take her in. I wouldn't have to hear about her anymore from that point on. The thought of having her out of the way sounded like heaven at this point. I started to get curious on what foster care was like so I searched it up on my lap top. I sat their and read through a ton of websites and then discovered foster care horror stories. It started getting to my head a bit because I looked back at the little girl who was watching the TV intensely. She'd be tossed from house to house until someone finally decides to take her in permanently, if ever. I found it hard to think about, when I put myself in the situation. I sighed and shut the computer because I had enough of caring about the whole situation. I grabbed my phone and started to look through social media when my peace was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I looked at the girl and she was already walking toward the door. I bolted over to her and stoped her from opening it. I looked out the window and saw someone that for once in my life, I didn't want to see. "Oh shit" I say out loud and pick up the little girl. I started getting used to the feeling of picking her up so I wasn't scared to rush upstairs and put her in my room. I looked around and panicked. I looked around for something to distract her and finally decided to give her a mini hockey stick and a foam ball. "Do not leave this room okay? I will be back soon" I tell her before shutting the door and going back downstairs to the door. He rung the doorbell again and I finally opened it. "Bud how long does it take to get the door?" Was the first thing he said and I laugh awkwardly "sorry I fell asleep I guess" I lie again and he raised an eyebrow. "Yeah okay" he says and pushes past me to get in my house. "Uh why are you here? I thought you and the boy's were practicing tonight" I ask trying to get him to leave in a less demanding way. "Yeah but I decided if your not then what's the point, plus Gavin's getting on my nerves so I didn't feel like putting up with his ass tonight" he says and goes and sits down on the couch. The TV was on and luckily was on a commercial so it wasn't showing the little kid show she had been watching. "So I was thinking" he starts to say. I rushed over to the remote and turned it off "oh yeah, about what?" I ask him and put the remote down. "Well your parents are outta town and shit, so why don't you throw a party so we can get fucked up" he suggests and I groan internally. "Yeah that would be sick, but I've actually got a lot of homework to do and I my parents got pissed at me before they left cause of my grades" I say once again another flat out lie. He looks at me and scrunches his face and laughs a bit. "Bro your parents are chill they definitely aren't that mad" he says and I wanted to punch him right in the face. Can't he just take what I say seriously and stop knowing me so well? "I don't know man I just don't think I'm that up to a party this weekend. Plus we gotta keep coach off our asses so we can get those letters. Teams will start chirping us for not having a captain" I say and he shrugs. "We beat most of them so they can't be saying shit, plus we've got some of the best goons in the league to put them in there place" he says with a grin as he flexes his mussels. I laughed at him but secretly wasn't in the mood for his shit. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. "Hey I think there's a leafs vs flames game right now let's watch it" he says and I cringe and almost spring up but it was to late. He presses the on button and looks at me weirdly. "What's gotten into you bro?" He says and looks at the TV. A fucking princess movie was on and the look on Sanders face went from confused to completely puzzled. "What's up with this?" he asks and I was at a loss of words. I didn't have much more lies at this point. "I don't know sometimes the TV does this" I say and I take the remote from his hand. I change the channel and put on the game. I could tell he wasn't buying my lie and I just sat back and pretended nothing was wrong. But if the TV wasn't enough of a hassle the door opening upstairs sure as hell was. "Fuck" I whisper to myself and he gives me a look. "That was a bad play" I say covering up my mistake and he shrugs "could have been worse" he reply's. Good thing he bought that one. "I'll be back" I say and get up from the chair. I go upstairs and sped down the hall to my room. I looked in and saw that the girl wasn't there. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me" I mumble and start to search the other rooms upstairs. I got to our study room and saw her standing on the chair by my moms piano. I bolt over to her and take her down. "What did I tell you? I said don't leave the room. Your gonna get me caught and that's really not good at this moment" I snap at her and roll my head back in annoyance. I look back down at her and she was about to cry. "No no, no don't cry remember we agreed you wouldn't do that anymore" I tell her but she clearly wasn't worried about sticking to the agreement. "Who are you talking to?" I hear at the door and I snap my head over to see Sanders standing and looking at the little girl in shock. "Oh fuck me, can this get any worse" I say and sit down on the nearest chair. "Who the hell is that?" Sanders asks and comes further into the room. "I don't know but this day has gone to absolute shit" I say and Sanders walks over to the little girl and looks at her closely. "What do you mean you don't know, there's a toddler in your house and you have no idea whose kid it is?" he asks and touches her forehead with his finger as if she wasn't real enough for him. "Bro don't touch her" I say and he shrugs. "I'm so lost bro I need an explanation" he says and I shake my head. " I seriously don't have one. She just showed up in my house this morning" I tell him and start to pace around the room. "Now I can't get rid of her until I get a call from the police station so they can send her to a foster house" I explain and he nods slightly. "So that's why your flaking on all your plans cause you can't figure out a way to get rid of another living being?" he asks and I nod. "I could get my sister to take care of her, she babysits and shit so she knows how to take care of toddlers" he offers and I shake my head. "No I don't want anybody finding out about her right now, she's not hear forever and I don't feel like explaining to anybody else why she's here" I tell him and he nods. "Alright fine but this is a pretty shitty situation bro" he states and I shake my head and slap him in the back of the head. "No shit you fucking idiot I'm aware" I snarl and he chuckles. "She low key looks like you when you were younger" he points out and I scoff at his unreasonable comments. "Just shut up" I say and he chuckles again to himself. Now my mess was a lot worse with Sanders involved.

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