Chapter 1 - First Day

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   In Pyro's room while he still sleeps. He stirs in his bed due to the dream he is having. He is dreaming that he is in a city that is destroyed and on fire. People run screaming away from him. He looks around wondering why people are moving away from him when a beam comes from him and destroys what he looking at. Then the next thing he knows everything goes red and the dream ends and he wakes up screaming. He holds out his hand with his palm facing the ceiling and a flame appears. The flame lit up the darkroom and he looks around to see that he is in his room. He sighs and says: "It was just a nightmare." He reaches for his phone and grabs it to check the time. He states: "It's only four in the morning." He thinks for a moment on what to do. He sighs and says: "Guess I'll workout and get some training in before school." He gets out of bed and turns on the lights and get changed into his workout gear: A tank top and shorts. he exits his room and heads toward the elevator and gets in. He hits the button next to the label 'training room/exercise room'. The elevator takes him to the room and he goes inside and starts working out. After an hour of his usual routine, he heads into the adjoining room. He walks up to the console near a piece of glass and starts putting some stuff into the console and a door opens up and reveals stairs. He walks down the stair and entered a room that was all white with a piece of glass a bit below the ceiling to match the room with the console. a computerized voice speaks: "Simulation ready. Loading level 3. Begin training." An army of imperfects appears in front of him and starts charging. Pyro's hair and right eye change color to a bright red and he calls out: "FLAME EMISSARY!" Flames cover every part of his body but his face. His tank top becomes a t-shirt and a jacket with a hood appears as well as gloves. His shorts become sweatpants and his shoes follow the same pattern. His jacket extends to his feet and a baseball hat appears. He pulls his hood over his head and vanishes. A second later half the army is taken out. He makes a fist and slams it against the ground and calls out an attack: "FLAME NOVA!" Flames form a dome and it expands outwards disintegrates all the enemies it touches wiping out the rest of the army. he repeats this until six. He returns to his room and showers and changes into his school uniform. He heads up to the living room. As he exits the elevator he runs into Mr.Harold as he was about to go wake up Pyro. Mr.Harold says: "Oh, I was just coming to wake you up." Pyro says back: "I appreciate the gesture, but I've been awake for a while now." Mr.Harold asks: "Really, are you alright?" Pyro sighs and replies: "Yeah, it was just a bad dream. So I went and worked out and did a training session to take my mind off it." Mr.Harold says: "If you want to talk about it I'm here for you." Pyro smiles and says back: "I know, I just don't feel like talking about it. That aside Let's eat before I leave for my first day." Mr.Harold smiles and says: "Sure. Let me make some real quick." Mr.Harold heads to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Afterward, Mr.Harold and Pyro sit down and enjoy the meal together.

     Pyro leaves the house and starts making his way to school. As he was walking by this road a girl screams: "Watch out!" He looked towards the girl and stares at her. He remembers her from last night near the pond. He thinks to himself Does she remember me? probably not I don't look like Pyro at the moment. He shrugs and creates a clone. The clone takes his place while he moves back a bit and distorts himself. Lindsay runs through the clone and almost falls when he grabs the back of her school jacket and holds her there. She looks around until she sees him and says: "Thank you for stopping me." He says back: "No problem, you should be more careful though. It's dangerous to run around like that." she smiles. He puts her down and she turns around and says: "Thanks again." He says again: "No problem." She eyes him and then asks: "Do I know you?" He shrugs and starts walking to school. She tilts her head in confusion but she shakes her head and moves to catch up to him. She looks at him and asks: "Are you new?" He nods. She smiles and inquires: "What's your name?" He responds: "Jack Harold." she introduces herself: "I'm Lindsay Conners. Nice to meet you." He says: "Likewise."

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