Untitled Part 5

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Chapter 10

Two Legends Unite

Dracula is pacing around his castle waiting to hear of any news of the rumors going around about three children being born of creatures. "I will find them children and end them. It's against vampire law to bore children of not the same race. It's an abomination." Dracula yells at the top of his lungs. The sound echoing off the walls of the castle. Dracula walks over to the window and looks out on the land. The moon full and bright the stars shown all the elders before him who were killed protecting his clan. The land seems like a wonderland under the moonlight, but knowing that he will not be able to hunt irks him the most. For the three days the moon is full Draculs can not hunt, in fear of the werewolves descending on him and ripping him apart. The vampire and werewolf clans never seen eye to eye, and as long as they stay away from one another everything runs smoothly. "Sire, I have confirmation from our soldiers. They have confirmed our worst fear. Three children have been born under different creatures. One of the children being a hybrid." the messenger says. "A hybrid, what do you mean a hybrid?" Dracula asks. "Born both vampire and werewolf. They say the child is of immaculate strength, can eat any way he or she wants to. They say they have seen the child, born two days ago and already has aged into a five year old child. Sire, I fear that if we go to find these children we will not make it out alive." the messenger says. "It has to be done, we can not have three children running around not pure blood of our clan.

The hybrid child can be a danger to us all, including the humans. We must track them down, see for ourselves and extinguish the children and the parents." Dracula says. The messenger nods his head in agreement. The messenger walks out the room, the sound of the door closing echoes through the room. Dracula looks out the window again and begins to think. Where could the parents being hiding three powerful kids from the world. It has to be a place of seclusion, somewhere that no one would ever be able to think to look. Not only is Dracula fearing the worst for his clan, but he fears for his own life. He has read about hybrids. Hybrids are a dangerous but powerful breed. They can either be an allie or a very strong and dangerous enemy, and Dracula was not going to find out which side he will fall under.

Gilgamesh stretches and his transformation is complete. The moon felt like heaven on his blackish gold fur.Eyes the color of a glowing yellow. The hunt is on to find food to sustain him till the next full moon, but also he is waiting for his tracker to come back and let him know what him and the others found out. Running through the woods he looks up and sees the castle of Dracula. With a low growl and sneer he continues to look. Gilgamesh catches a glimpse of Dracula in the window. Gilgamesh raises his head the night sky and lets out a howl. Sending Dracula a warning not to go out hunting tonight or he will rip him to shreds. Gilgamesh goes further into the woods till he finds a clearing, there he sees the prime target for his sustenance. A ten point buck is quietly standing there unbeknownst to him that death is coming for him quick. Within seconds before the buck could react Gilgamesh is on him, ripping into his throat and tearing at his flesh. Devouring everything but the bone. Once he eats, Gilgamesh hears tree branches snapping in the distance. Gilgamesh crouches down in a low position ready to fight whoever it is intruding on his meal. Gilgamesh continues to keep his eyes on the wooded area, until he sees it's one of his trackers coming out of the woods into the clearing. Gilgamesh stands and goes back into human form. Waiting for his tracker to do the same, within seconds the tracker is in human form. "My lord the rumors are true, there are true. Three children born of different creatures. One of them a rare and special breed. Dangerous to both werewolf and vampire kind." the tracker says. "Are you saying after hundreds of centuries, someone has bore a hybrid?" Gilgamesh asks with a smile on his face. "Yes my lord there is someone who has bore a hybrid. The only thing is, we can not locate where the children are at. All we do know is that the hybrid was born two days ago and now looks like a five year old child." the tracker says. "Well, well, well I guess we will be trying to figure out where to locate the parents of these three children. If the rumors are as true as everyone is saying then the descendant of Sarah has given us a gift. With this gift we will be able to put the vampires into extinction." Gilgamesh says. "My lord, you must understand. No one has ever seen the parents or these children. We know the rumors are true, we smell the difference in the air. We just can't figure out where to locate them." the tracker says. "The parents would keep themselves and the children in seclusion, for the risk of losing not only their lives but the children's lives also. Very smart on their part, but if we find them soon, and play it smart. We can kill the parents including Sarah's descendant and take all three children and train them to fight with us." Gilgamesh says. "I will get the troops ready my lord and by the first light we will head out and begin our hunt. I need to make you aware of this also, someone has also let our enemy Dracula know about the children. Dracula is not planning on using the children, he is planning on killing the parents and the children. Trying to keep us from using the children to our advantage." the tracker says. "Then my son, we must be ready by first light. We need to find the parents and the children, kill the parents and take the children before Dracula get his cold sneaky dead hands on them." Gilgamesh says. "Aye my lord." the tracker says before he transforms back into wolf form and runs from the clearing into the woods.

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