02 | Take Cover

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There was an undistinguishable sound growing louder behind you. It was coming from the ride you had just escaped. While the boys around you were arguing over what to do, your mind was fully focused on the sound. And then, it clicked.

Footsteps. Hundreds of footsteps, all of them running. The pirates were not done with you yet. As the sound grew, so did the panic in your chest. 

On instinct, you grabbed Jungkook's arm and yanked him away from the entrance. He was startled but you didn't stop to explain. There was danger ahead of you, and there was danger behind. The only place to go was the café. 

You ran inside, pulling a stunned Jungkook with you. The other boys followed closely, not knowing what else to do. You had just enough time to catch the name of the café: Royal St Veranda.

Once everyone was inside, the last boy slammed the door. 

The place was empty of people, they must've abandoned it already. After doing a sweep of the area to close any other entrances, you slumped into a chair. Jungkook sat beside you and the others slid silently into the other seats around the table. 

"Pinch me." 

"What?" Jungkook looked up at you, confused.

"Pinch me." You repeated yourself. "I must be dreaming. This is a nightmare."

Jungkook reached over and pinched your arm as you requested. "Ow!"

He reclined immediately. "You told me to do it!" 

"Not that hard!" You replied, on the verge of laughing. When your emotions were at a high like this, you could either laugh or cry. You figured it would be better laugh, it would take less energy than crying. 

When the place was silent again, you composed yourself and looked towards to the tall stranger who had saved you all with his plan.

"Hey. Thank you." He gave you a half smile at your words of gratitude.

"I'm Jin." 

"I'm Y/N."

"It's a pleasure." He seemed like likeable person, it was a shame you had to meet in these dire circumstances. His hair was dark and ruffled so that it fell naturally around his face. He was wearing a light T-shirt that made it hard not to notice his broad shoulders. 

"I'm Jungkook." He leaned forward. "Y/N's best friend." 

The other five boys introduced themselves as well, going in order around the table.

The first was a tall boy with shaggy hair and a sharp face. He appeared to be one of the younger boys, despite his lengthy figure. "I'm Taehyung." 

The second was a shorter boy, with intense eyes and a well-defined physique. He seemed to be older, as he leaned protectively over Taehyung. "I'm Jimin."

The next boy really caught your attention. He was tall and angular, but there was a look in his eyes that you couldn't look away from. He looked genuinely terrified (which of course, was the proper response to what you had all just experienced.) He was not moving, rather he was staring at a spot just past you. The boy to his left had a hand on his shoulder, silently comforting him. 

"I'm Yoongi, and this is Hoseok." He gestured to the scared boy. Yoongi was smaller than him, but he was protective over him anyways.

"I'm Namjoon." The last boy spoke out, drawing your eyes to him. He was the tallest of them all, with a warm smile. Despite the situation, you felt safe when he looked at you. 

Looking at the whole group together, you could tell that they were good friends. A family, almost. They took care of one another. 

"So what now?" Jungkook looked at you with his wide doe eyes.  

"We gotta try and get out of the park. I don't know what's happening, but I know it's not good." You peaked out of one of the windows, but immediately jumped back as you saw a pirate coming towards the café.

"Now. We gotta go now." You stood and the boys all followed you in doing so. You began to look around for a way to get out with out walking right into the middle of the park. "We might have to hop from ride to ride to stay hidden."

By glancing out of windows, you saw that there was another café to the right, and Tarzan's Treehouse was to your left. 

"Right. Café or Treehouse?" You looked to Jin, who looked right back at you. Nobody seemed to want to make the decision.

Suddenly Jungkook spoke up, "We should go to the Treehouse. I remember passing it on the way here, I think it's closer to the exit." 

Nobody contradicted him, so you nodded. "The Treehouse then."

All eight of you went to the very left of the of the café. Jin looked through a window and after a seconds, he gave everyone the signal that it was safe. He silently pushed it up and hopped outside. You all followed him, carefully climbing out. You heard a rushing sound, but you couldn't tell if it was the river beside the Treehouse, or the blood in your ears.

This street on the other side of the café was not quite yet overrun with the animatronics. In fact, it was ominously empty. Just as you were at the edge of the treehouse, you heard a loud click behind you. 

You turned around slowly, already knowing what it was. Jack Sparrow. 

He was standing with a gun pointed towards you, having just cocked it. He was looking and at you and you only, with a mischievous smile on his face. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Your voice shook as he took a step closer. 

"I saw you before, on the ride." His voice was low and growly, just like you remembered from the movies. "You made a bit of a fool out of me. So we're gonna make this a game, you and I. You're going to run...and I'm going to hunt you down." He flipped his gun back into it's holster and turned around. 

"You've got ten seconds." You stared at his back. All of this, AND you've got a pirate trying to kill you? Not your idea of a good vacation.

"Ten." Oh god, he was really counting.

"Nine." You turned back to your friends.

"Eight. Are you running yet?" You looked around, trying to find a good place to go.

"Seven." Jungkook urgently pointed to the Treehouse.

"Six." Jin was gesturing away from it, pointing at the river instead. 

"Five." You felt all the pressure on you. 

"Four." What if you didn't go? What if you just fought him out now? 

"Three. Last chance darling." Your heart was beating all too fast.

"Two." Everyone was looking at you, but you couldn't focus on anything.


Comment next to what you want to do.

Jump in the river.

Hide in the Treehouse.

Fight Jack Sparrow.

1133 words. Look at me updating on time! That's a first 😂 I'm planning to update every Thursday. I hope you're all liking it so far! Please feel free to tell your friends if you think they'll like the story, we want as many votes as we can get. 

Have a lovely day!

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