03 | Fight Time

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On a moment's notice, you launched towards him. Ten seconds wasn't long enough to run anyways. The boys had all bolted in different directions to hide as he reached one, thinking that you would do the same.

Sparrow flipped around right as you reached him, causing you to jump back. The two of you began to circle each other, ready to fight. You couldn't look away but you hoped that the boys were coming up to help. 

"I gave you a chance to run," Sparrow grinned charismatically as he sauntered around you. "You're not playing by the rules." 

"Why would I?" You were trying to buy time, knowing that Jungkook wouldn't leave you alone in this situation. "I came here to vacation with my best friend. Not to be hunted by an animatronic pirate."

He lifted his hands and gestured to himself with a smirk. "Not animatronic anymore, darling."

At that moment, you noticed Jungkook. Since you and Sparrow were circling each other, he was now facing away from the entrance of the treehouse where some of your friends were. Jungkook was creeping up quietly, but Sparrow wasn't stupid. 

"Ah, it would seem that we have company." He turned so that he could see both of you. Jungkook froze, unsure of what to do next. His wide eyes flicked to you and you could tell that he was scared.

And when Jungkook was scared, you stepped up to the plate. 

You raised your fist and socked Sparrow across the face. Your knuckles made direct contact with his jaw, causing him to stumble back. Pain spread across your face as you shook out your hand. 

Jungkook rushed up beside you, so now it was solidly two against one. Sparrow rubbed his jaw, before looking back at the two of you.

"Bold move." Sparrow's voice rang out in the empty street.


"Two against one now, hm? Good, I like a challenge." 

As the three of you squared each other up, you heard a sound behind you. You turned your head tentatively to see Jin and Namjoon running up to you. They stood beside Jungkook, offsetting the odds.

"Four against one. Little unfair, don't you think? How about I fight you one by one?" 

"Eight actually." Jin smiled as he spoke. "Boys, you can come out." The four other boys came out from the hiding spots and grouped up with you. 

"So you can either try and fight all eight of us," Jungkook said, "Or we can give you ten seconds."

Sparrow stared you all down, trying to figure out if you were joking or not. But when none of you moved, the realisation on his face was enough to make you laugh.

"I'll find you when you're alone," He pointed at you, "And I'll make you pay for this. You won't have all your friends around to defend you."

"She didn't need us to give you that punch, did she?" Yoongi asked. Sparrow scowled at him, having nothing witty to say in return. 

Suddenly, your eyes were drawn to his hand. It was moving at a snail-like pace as it reached slowly towards his holster. He must've been speaking to you as a distraction. Just as he was able to reach it, you lurched forward and kicked the gun out of his hand. The two of you jumped towards it, but you got to it first. 

Without breaking eye contact, you stood up, cocked it, and pointed it in his direction. And after a deep breathe, you spoke.

"Ten." Without another word, Sparrow bolted in the other direction. He wasn't dumb, he knew when he was outnumbered. But you knew that he would be back, and he likely wouldn't be alone when he returned.

Once Sparrow was gone, the eight of you were alone in the street. But it wasn't silent anymore, you could hear the chaos of the park getting closer. 

"We gotta move." Everyone nodded.

"What're our options?" You looked around, considering every option. 

"I'd say the treehouse is off the table." Namjoon spoke out, offering wisdom. "We wouldn't wanna trap ourselves up there while we're not actively running from somebody." He was right, it would be nearly impossible to jump or climb down.

"What if we crossed the river? There's no sound coming from that side." Taehyung made a suggestion and everyone quieted to listen. He was right, it was completely silent. 

When nobody contradicted, you nodded. "Let's do it." 

You didn't know what was across the water so you were kind of feeling in the dark. But you knew you couldn't stay put, so you might as well keep moving.

The eight of you walked towards the bay of the water and waded into it. Though you were still wet from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, the cold of the river still chilled you to your bones. It only reached up to your ribs, and only the the waist of the taller boys around you (ie. Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, Hoseok.) 

There were trees on both sides of the water, making the area feel very tight and secluded.

You all remained quiet as you waded across, until something to your right caught your attention. There, floating alone in the water, was boat. It made sense, since this ride was supposed to be a "Jungle Cruise." But while this might be a good sign, there was something about it that made you shiver. 

It was empty.

"Jungkook." You whispered to him, tugging on his sleeve. "Look." He turned his eyes to the boat, and then back to you. One by one, each of the boys around you noticed the boat.

"What happened to the passengers?" Jimin barely mumbled the words. 

Within a second, his question was answered. A low growl was heard behind all of you. And though you had never heard the sound in person, you immediately knew what it was.

You turned slowly to see a live crocodile step into the water from its seat and begin to swim towards you. The animals were now alive too.

"Run!" Hoseok yelled and began to wade to the opposite side of the river. All of you followed as quickly as you could, struggling to move quickly through the water. 

All of you managed to climb on the land just as the crocodile reached you. With a vicious kick from Jungkook's boot, it swam away. 

All of you stood on a small island in the water that was just big enough to have a few trees. There were few options for you now.

"If this is anything like the Tokyo Disneyland ride, there's a lot more animals than just crocodiles." Jin was struggling to catch his breath as he spoke.

"Like what?" Hoseok asked with a shaky voice.

"Tigers. Cobras. Giant spiders. Gorillas. Just to name a few."

"Then where do we go from here?" Taehyung looked around with blank eyes. In the rush of running from the crocodile, you had gotten a little turned around. You weren't sure from which way you came, nor where you were going. 

To your left was the direction the crocodile had swam towards. To your right, was the empty boat. Neither felt like a good idea, but you couldn't stay where you were.

Comment next to what you want to do.

Go left.

Go right.

1211 words. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm currently recovering from a minor surgery so I had some extra time to write it. Don't worry though, I'm having an easy recovery.

Please sleep well tonight and drink some water!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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