My Thanks

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Thanks everyone who has taken the time to read this one, that has grown into three one shots.  I've always liked to write, but it's usually just a way for me to put thoughts on paper so they aren't swirling around my head and distracting me.

Type and Tharn turned out to be really very interesting characters to me.  Their story is not just boy meets boy, falls in love with struggles or obstacles tossed in to make the plot interesting. Most of the things they have to over come, are all character driven. And mostly due to Type and his personality.  There was no magic moment or cure for Type. Tharn didn't heal him with his love.  Type developed on his own, grew and adjusted because of his choices, his less immature responses to the challenges facing him.

I hope to continue to share One Shots here and I hope you all continue to enjoy.

Type HesitatedWhere stories live. Discover now