Life of Misery

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I stood on the top stair

thinking if anyone would care

if I die

without saying a proper good-bye

But to whom should I

say my farewell

when i have no one

to attend my funeral

These walls are constricting

I can't breathe

Its like I'm drowning,

the surface is too far

I thrash and kick but.. nothing

Yet my heart doesn't seem to stop

Its like a torture, like

someone is mocking me

and anytime i'll wake up from this nightmare

then notice everything is okay..

Is it?

I looked down at the stairs, again

Will anyone think I'm insane?

A lot of steps

were with cracks and holes

at least they're not broken

like my soul

My hopes, my life

its all shattered

and its nowhere near

getting better

Shaking my head, i stepped back

I'm vain

I'm a coward

I will not take that step, forward

Thats when I made the decision

to not end my life

Though, a trip of this staircase

will merely give me some broken bones

I'll find my reasons to live

and if I fail to,

I'll make them

With new vigour and determination

I turned around...

but got shoved back

Once again into the life of misery...

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