Chapter Seven: Green Like The Fresh Spring

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(Shoto POV 3rd person)

After thirty minutes Inko returned to the large room. Shoto got to his feet greeting her as she approached. "Shoto hon, come with me. They said you can see him," his heart soared when she told him he could go see Izuku. "We can't go in the room quite yet. But the doctors said that if he's still stable by morning they will move him to this floor where we can be with him,"

"I understand, I really want to see him," he whispered hands tucked in his pockets. "And the others?" he'd feel bad if he was the only one to go see Izuku.

"I'll bring them down in small groups after you. I thought you would like some alone time before they come down," Shoto nodded to her grateful she was allowing him to see Izuku before the others. Without another word the two left the large waiting room, Shoto followed the green haired woman staying beside her as to not lose her. The hospital was silent most patients asleep due to the time it was. He hadn't realized that it was nearly eleven pm. Had he really been waiting there since the morning? It seemed almost impossible but it was true. He looked down to see Inko stopped in front of a room glass windows all along it. "I'll give you a little privacy," he watched her step away to sit in the waiting area near by.

"Thank you," he whispered before he turned his attention to the room in front of him. In the center of the small room was the hospital bed that contained his beloved Izuku. Bi-colored eyes locked on the small figure that lay in the bed. Those green locks he loved so much pushed out of his face, forehead wrapped in bandages. It was hard not to see the white wraps all around various parts of the small green eyed teens body, but Shoto tired not to look at them. He only looked at Izuku, who looked peaceful as he slept in the bed, his chest rising and falling in even breaths. Each breath he took proved he was alive, that and the monitors displaying his heartbeat behind him. "Izu, you're so strong. I am so proud of you. I will be with you soon," he whispered hand resting against the glass for a moment as he watched Izuku breath in and out over and over again. Shoto wished he could stand there and watch Izuku as he slept, the last five days were absolute hell. No one knew if the boys were alive, or where they were. But now there he was the beautiful green boy that Shoto missed so much. He didn't want to leave his boyfriend, scared that if he did he would never see the small teen ever again. The two toned teen knew it wasn't true but he was scared nonetheless.

"Shoto hon, ready to go back?" his body stiffened feeling a hand rest against his back, it pulled him from his thoughts. He relaxed the moment he saw it was only Inko.

"No, but let's. The others should get to see him too," Inko took his hand off the glass her green eyes telling him she felt the same. The walk back to the waiting room was silent which Shoto didn't mind all that much. As they approached the door Shoto stepped ahead holding it open for Inko before he stepped in behind her. Instantly they were surrounded by the others all wanting to go see Izuku. Shoto could tell all of them were beginning to overwhelm Inko so he pushed them back. "Guys give her room,"

"You will go in groups of three or four. I will accompany Miss Midoriya as we go down," everyone turned to see who spoke, Shoto knew the monotone voice belonged to their home room teacher. The dark haired man stood behind Inko hand resting gently on her shoulder. "Be respectful, I know you are all worried and want to see Midoriya but you have to realize this is her son. And she can decide not to take you down. So respect her space and that she is letting you see him," Shoto gave the teacher a thankful look as he stepped over to the couches flopping onto one of them. His mind finally relaxed from being able to see Izu, and finally he felt like he could get a decent few hours of sleep before getting to be by Izu. Without protest his eyes drifted closed sending him into a peaceful slumber.

**Shoto's Dream**

"Hey Sho," the bi-colored teen shifted to look down at the boy beside him. It wasn't uncommon for the two to spend the night in the other's room. This time the pair was wrapped up together in Shoto's room. Legs tangled together Izuku tucked tightly in Shoto's arms.

"Yes Izu?" his slender fingers played with the green curly locks splayed out on his chest. The room fell into a content silence before the smaller boy spoke again.

"I love you," those three simple words sent his heart into a fluttered frenzy. It was the first time those words were said to him in such a way. Izu shifted so that he was sitting up on his elbows emerald eyes entrancing the bi-colored teen. "I love you so much Sho," he said it again, it made Shoto realize that he wasn't dreaming.

"I love you too Izu," he said tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He reached up lacing his fingers in those green locks he loved so much. "More than you'll ever know," gently he pulled Izuku's face toward his softly pecking his nose before connecting their lips in a tender kiss. Both melted in each others embrace eyes locking onto each other.

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