How It All Began

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Some say it was the Dryads fault. Others say it was the Humans lie. No one truly knows who did what to start this war. Yet it has been going on for many centuries. Humans truly are persistent little pests. Only the oldest of The Creatures remember what the Humans claimed. Lucky for you, I am one of them.

My name is Mortuk. I am a Naiad, known also as water spirits. We dislike getting involved with the affairs of our land counterparts. They are noisy creatures. They don't know when to shut up... constantly whispering, creaking, and humming... Anyway, the Humans claimed that the Dryads massacred the village of Sahvide, unprovoked. The Dryads denied the claim saying, 'Thats ridiculous! There are only Mesquite Dryads in that area, and they're relatively harmless!' The Muses accused them of lying. The Elven Council refused to get involved with what didn't concern them. The Naiad Lords claimed to have seen Unicorns headed toward that direction. The High Unicorns refused to confirm nor deny the claim saying, 'The answer is so obvious that any blindflok with half a brain could see it.' Of course, there were lesser races that refused to get involved, but there were a few that did. The Woodland Fairies and Soggwards joined the Dryads. The Eagles joined the Humans. It's a whole mess of who-did-what and politics. I personally don't believe that the Dryads would kill an entire village. They are too pompous for acts of murder. You judge for yourself.

I will tell you the story of a good friend of mine. She is older then The War of Misery itself, one of the rare Dryads that don't talk too much. Alas, she dislikes retelling her stories, so I must do my best to pass her tale on truly and without exaggeration. It is quite lengthy, but we lack much time. Let me unwind the story of Mordra.

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