Chapter 5 Unicorn Tears

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'To harm it is to live in pain.  To kill it is to doom you and your family.  To help it is to be healed. The Unicorn.  The mythical beast that so many children dream about.  Most are not even half as lovely as you think.'

Mavric was startled by her sudden movement. He braced himself for another word of rebuke, but there was none. He looked up to see Mordra staring fixedly into the woods. Fear was in her eyes.

He was yet again confused. Why was this powerful being afraid? What was going on? What was over there? Mavric was about to raise his voice to ask his question when he heard the slow limp of heavy hooves.

A cheery voice called out from the brush. "Moa! Hey hey! You know, I never thought you were right about the pansy thing. But you were!" Eluis laughed as he came into view. He stopped short when he saw the human stiffen with fear. Eluis shifted back into his human form as he put on a well meaning smile and spoke in the human tongue. "Hold good sir. I'm not here to harm you."

Mordra shot out of her seat. Panic was in her voice as she glided over to her son. "Eluis! Why must you be so careless? Do you want to die from one of these 'mishaps'?"

Eluis smirked. "One. No, I don't plan on dying soon. Two. You could always just heal me. Three. Of you can't, Mortuk can." Eluis looked past Mordra and locked eyes with the stunned Mavric. "He seems to be a bit... 'overwhelmed'." Eluis laughed at his own joke. And a joke it was. When Mavric had seen Eluis shift, he been it such a rush to back up that he tripped on his seat and fallen over backwards. And there he had stayed, cowering, afraid of further movement.

Mordra glanced at Mavric as she lifted Eluis' injured leg. She gave a small chuckle when she saw the stunned expression on the man's face. She calmly said under her breath, "Child, are you that happy to see a unicorn?"

Eluis burst out laughing. The sudden line on sarcasm was anything but expected. "Moa..." Eluis tried to calm himself, but her serious face only served to throw him into another fit of laughter.

Mordra sighed as she turned her attention back to Eluis, who was still dying of laughter. "Eluis. It wasn't that funny."

He took a deep breath and attempted to speak. "But it was... from you!" He broke down laughing again.

Mordra rolled her eyes. "Your laughter is annoying. Would you please sit still so I can heal you?"

Eluis took a few more deep breaths. "Yes, mother." He stifled a laugh as he glanced at her.

Mordra was not amused. "Funny." She eyed Mavric while doing the final touches on Eluis' ankle. "How do you suppose our little friend is fairing? I'm willing to bet he'll stay like that for a few more minutes."

"Hmmm..." Eluis once more took in the scene of the cowering man behind a stump. "I'm gonna bet the same."

Mordra paused. Having finished with his leg, she gently put it down. With a pitying tone and caring hand on Eluis' shoulder, she asked, "Are you stupid?"

Eluis returned to concern. "Moa... You didn't know? Of course I am."

Mordra scoffed. "You're not supposed to admit it!"

Eluis laughed like he usually did, harder then necessary.  Then he suddenly stopped.  He grew serious as he fiddled with his fingers.  Then, out of nowhere, he asked, "What would happen if we left?"

Mordra sighed. "No one actually knows.  We speculate that if our roots retract then we die, but no one has tested that theory."

"Do you want to test it? It would be an adventure!"  Eluis looked like a young child begging for a treat knowing that mother will probably say no.

She stared deep into his eyes for what seemed like five whole minutes, but were, in fact, just a few moments.  Finally she slowly breathed, "An adventure?" She looked over at the still shocked human, then back to Eluis. "Haven't had one of those in a few life times...  So sure.  I'll probably die, but why not."

Eluis was completely dumbfounded.  "Are you ok?"

Mordra blinked. "Yes.  Completely fine.  Grab the human.  Let's go before I figure out my own stupidity."

He jumped up like an excited toddler and morphed into his unicorn form as he threw the human on his back.  Mavric was finally coming to his senses and had a few objections, but Mordra silenced him with a blow to the head.  This was met with a scolding by Eluis, but she retorted with, "Does anything I'm doing seem reasonable right now?  No?  Didn't think so." Eluis had to agree and ushered them on before she decided not to come.

They were met with little difficulty as they charged for the edge of the forest.  All they got were inquisitive looks from other Dryads as the odd trio darted down The Torlo Path.  Not many sane people charged down the path when it was almost time for the torlos to come back to the inner forest, so the questioning glances from the various creatures were understandable.

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