~ Trouble ~

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       "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"
Aspen's eyes opened to a narrow, avoiding being blinded by the sun that shined through her curtains. The bed shaking her awake as she listened to the shouting of her baby sister. Jumping on her bed with the most cutest bed head she had ever seen. She grabbed her and rolled her around, both of them in a fit of happy giggles. Tickling the little platinum blonde, green eyed little girl, she smiled and kissed her all over her face. Gaining squeals. 
"What did you want, you little munchkin?" Aspen would laugh as she stopped. Letting the silly little girl go. Gaining a tackle. The little girl still giggling replied with what Aspen expected, "Toast and Jam! Toast and Jam!-" Aspen hushed her before she could scream anymore. "Fine, But we have school soon so It must be quick. Now hurry, go get dressed you little cutie. You can eat your toast and jam while I brush you hair." - 

   Aspen carefully pushed the small brush through the little girls hair, hearing her hum as she ate her toast. "Stop moving your head, I have to get your hair untangled." Refusing the demand, her little sister continued to moved her head, gaining a bop on her forehead with the brush. She whined as Aspen laughed. Finally able to get all the tedious little tangles out, she set the brush down and lay the little girls bag on the counter. "The bus will be here soon, Run along now. Don't forget to give Mrs. Grimm that paper we signed for your field trip or you won't go." Aspen kissed the her head and pushed her along. "Bye bye sissy!" She ran along to the bus. Leaving Aspen alone to get ready for the day, She sighed as she pulled the sticky note off the front of the fridge. Reading it out loud as she walked to the bathroom to get her teeth brushed. "Aspen, Go ahead and get Mary ready. Sorry I had to go to town for awhile. Lunch is in the fridge. <3 Love you, Momma."
She rolled her eyes and crumbled up the paper, tossing it away. 

  She slipped on her beautiful white Lia Top, Decorated with her own painted on pink clouds, a short soft pink waist line pleated skirt, and her favorite pastel pink cardigan. She smiled at herself in the mirror, Twirling to admire herself. She felt nice. Refusing to wear jewelry or makeup today. She brushed her hair and slid it into a high ponytail, making sure to fix her bangs and tighten her white lace up platform boots. Grabbing the sketchbook she left on her counter, Her black bag full of pins and her art supplies pouches. She flew out the door with an egg roll in her mouth. Sliding into her car. She started the engine and drove off to the high school. 

  Her head spun as she looked for a parking spot in the crowded parking lot of her school, Almost hitting the idiots who pulled out without looking at their rear view mirrors. Even had to take a go around's because someone had stolen her spot. She was still nerved by the people as she got out and fixed her pony tail, tightening it. Then headed quickly through the doors, her school had a huge artistic background. The school was even known for its people, almost every single one graduating with a art scholarship in hand. People were creative with their way of showing their art, too. Wearing it, leaving it around, decorating their lockers, and even more that would take forever to list off if she had to. She skipped along with her backpack bouncing on her back and her folders for the office in hand. Knowing the project she had done for the principal would surly make her happy. Her hand sliding along the rim of the door to swing herself into the office as she hummed. "Ms. Mel!" She smiled warmly, her eyes meeting the eyes of a very attractive young man, sitting in an office chair waiting to started his first day of his new school. His eyes so enticing, his clothes simple, and his figure looked so strong and cuddly at the same time. That's how she put it at least. He almost drew her in immediately, feeling like she had to have him. How cliche. She was basically drooling, making him smile slightly. 
"Miss Aspen? Are you going to give me it or waist my time?" Her principal spoke up, snapping her out of her trance. She could have sworn she saw him mouth her name to remind himself of her. But she turned to fast to see if she was crazy or not. Handing Ms. Mel two folders, "Sorry ma'am." Her apology made the older lady raise a brow in worry of one of her students. Looking over the folder she simply nodded, making Aspen smile. "Good day ma'am!" She ran out, turning to see him again, and didn't even regret when their eyes met for the second time. Blushing heavily, her heart raced as she bounced along. 

   Her first class was English, which she wouldn't say was the worst. Her mind still on that pale face of his. Wondering what he thought when they had met gazes. She snapped out of thought by her best friend, who seemed beyond perfect in every way. Her clothes, her beautiful hazel hair, her peach colored lips, her pretty blue eyes and her flawless skin. "Hey, what are you daydreaming about silly goose." Her best friend teased and chuckled. Aspen let out a dreamy sigh, "It's nothing really. Just how I-" She hesitated. "I'm going to do my next art project, I mean I could do aliens, or maybe sense Christmas is so close. I could do some kind of snow globe or something.." She laughed nervously. "What about you, Malissa?" She tried to change the subject. But being her best friend, Malissa refused to let it slip. "Ah no, Come on tell me. I know somethings up, you don't act this way for nothing, unless you found some kind of art supplies you MUST have apparently-", "OKAY FINE, It was a boy. I just got caught up.." Aspen interrupted. Malissa paused for a second before scooting in, "Ooooh... A boy? Maybe we can go ahead and have a double date then, if you have the courage that is." She snickered, making Aspen glare. "Oh come on I'm joking.." She laughed hard. Aspen huffed and hugged her sketch book. "Maybe, If I even get the time to talk to him. I want to meet your boyfriend though. He better be nicer then your ex." Aspen scoffed. Her best friend responding with a nod, "Of course." She smiled at Aspen to show her that she was being honest. Aspen sighed and laid her head down on the table, hating how slow the beginning of class even was.

 Class was over finally, happy that she was just energized enough to stand how long the time felt like. What really woke her up, though, was Malissa pulling her. Insisting that Aspen met her boyfriend quick. Aspen held onto her stuff as to not drop it, But she almost lost everything even her whole being when she saw her best friend cling to the handsome boy she had fell for. The ONLY boy she fell for. Her heart felt like it stopped for a split second , Her smile fading a bit until she saw her best friends happy smile. 

"Aspen, Meet Landen." Her best friend mused.
"Oh dear.. I'm in trouble.." Aspen said with a whispered tone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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