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1. I'm not very good at writing so deal with that.

2. The storyline will probably not be consistent whatsoever, I decide what goes.

3. This book is basically just fan service of interactions and things that I want to happen.

4. This book is only loosely based off of the characters personalities, you may read something and be like '*person* would never say that' I'm well aware that my portrayal of characters will not be very accurate but this is for me to experience my dynasty fantasies so reality will be whatever I want it to be.

5. This is basically just one shots that I'm lumping into one big story and it won't make any sense time wise or in any other way, this is purely for my enjoyment.

6. Not everything that happened in the show will have happened in this book.

7. Basically sit down and enjoy the fan service, shits gonna be WILD

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