My New Son

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I wrote this whilst i was still a fan of falliam, and after thinking about it I've decided to post it despite my opinion on the couple now.

This chapter happens after Fallon proposed to Liam, in this timeline Liam was never hit over the head and the bodies stayed in the lake.

Liams POV

It was an eerily still night at the manor, the staff were no where to be seen and it seemed to be just me awake, I sat at the edge of Fallon's—our bed and turned to look at her, she was sleeping peacefully, with a full face of makeup on just like she always does, that always puzzled me about Fallon. She never had her eyeliner off, not even in the shower. The only time I'd ever seen her without makeup was in the mornings, when she'd take off the old makeup and then reapply it. And fuck, she's just as gorgeous- if not more gorgeous than she is when she wears makeup. That woman will never fail to make me stop dead in my tracks. I suddenly heard the sound of coughing downstairs- Blake's coughing, it sounded as though it was coming from his office. That man was never out of his office unless he was asleep, eating, at a business meeting or taking Cristal on a date.

I had never really bothered to talk to Blake before. Because of Fallon and I's fake marriage it just didn't seem right to get to know my fake father in-law since I was only to be around for a little while. However, now that Fallon and I are a real couple, an engaged couple, I suppose it could be time to begin a relationship with my future father in-law.

I made my way down the manors large stairway, still not another soul in sight, my stomach jolting with anxiety. I don't know if Blake even approves of Fallons and my relationship, I don't know if he likes me or despises me, but nevertheless soon we're going to be family and I would like for this family to embrace me like my own never did. I quickly found myself in front of Blake's office, I took a deep breath and knocked on the large office doors that towered over me.

"Come in." Blake's voice responded, in a firm tone, I pushed open the large wooden door and entered his office. Blake looked up from his scotch "Liam," he greeted simply and got up from his chair, walking over to behind his desk.

"Blake, I just- I heard you down here and I thought that since Fallon and I are-" I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw what Blake was doing. He was loading a shotgun. I felt my whole body go cold, I froze.

Blake slowly turned around "How dare you show your face around MY house after the way you broke my daughters heart in sun valley" He rhetorically asked, anger bubbling in his voice and rage filling his eyes.

He casually pointed his shotgun at me, I was stunned "I-I'm- I'm sorry sir I-"

"You have 20 seconds to get out of my house before I shoot right through your skull." He threatened. I quickly turned and started running to the nearest exit. My heart pounded in my head- I couldn't believe this was happening- I knew Blake might not be welcoming per sè but- not this-

I quickly reached the exit and went to open the door when a hand grabbed my shoulder. I didn't dare turn around, "Liam." Blake said, a laugh hiding in the undertones of his voice. I sheepishly turned to look at him "Liam I was joking, come on let's go have a drink in my office." Blake said chuckling, it took me a minute to process but I eventually found myself chuckling along with him as we made our way back to his office.

He offered me a glass of scotch which I gladly accepted after what had just happened, I needed it. We sat facing each other on the sofas, the fireplace was in use, sending a relaxing feeling over his office. I took a breath to speak "So, as I was saying, I thought that since Fallon and I are engaged to be married that it would be good to start a relationship with my future father in-law. I know how much you mean to Fallon and I'd love to get along with the man who raised her." I stated, my nerves from before had dissipated because of Blake's practical joke and I think he knew that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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